Tomato Melody F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

From a tomato, you can cook many dishes, make preparations and freeze. Gardeners love this vegetable crop for its unpretentiousness in care, excellent taste and versatility.

Tomato Melody F1

The tomato variety Melody F1 belongs to the hybrid group, has high immunity from diseases and pests, and also adapts well to different climatic conditions. The variety is grown in greenhouses and outdoors. Summer residents and farmers often grow this type of tomato.

Grade description

Bushes grow in height from 1.5 to 2 meters. The fruiting period begins 85-90 days after the appearance of the first seedlings.

The shape of the fruit is round; in larger specimens, a slight ribbing is noted near the peduncle. After full ripening, the tomatoes acquire a rich red color, have a pronounced tomato flavor. The average weight of one fruit is 250 grams. From one square meter, you can collect from 8 to 10 kg of tomato. The pulp is dense and juicy. The skin is strong, not prone to cracking.

Tomatoes are great for long-term fresh storage or transportation over long distances.

Culture cultivation

The rules for growing and caring for a variety are no different from similar measures for other tomato varieties.

  1. The first step is to grow seedlings. Seeds are purchased in the store, soil can be prepared independently at home. To do this, land from the garden must be decontaminated with an oven. Place the soil for 2-3 hours under the influence of high temperature to destroy possible dangerous fungi and harmful insects. Peat or manure should be added to the soil. Seeds are deepened into the trenches made and covered with film material. For faster germination, it is necessary to ensure the entry of sunlight.
  2. If the sprouts sprout too densely, then you should dive into separate glasses.
  3. 2 weeks before the intended planting in a greenhouse or garden, seedlings should be hardened. This is necessary for better adaptation of plants to the new climate.
  4. Planting seedlings should be staggered, leaving a distance between plants of at least 60 cm.
  5. It is recommended to tear off the lower leaves; stepsons should also be removed. Ovaries are formed by brushes, in each you need to leave 5-6 pieces in order to have enough nutrition for future fruits.
  6. Near each hole, it is necessary to strengthen the metal or wooden support to which the bushes will be attached.

Grade Care

Care for a variety of tomatoes Melody F1

  1. Despite its high resistance to diseases and pests, activities such as loosening the soil and destroying weeds should be regularly carried out.
  2. For preventive purposes, several times it is required to carry out the processing of bushes with special preparations. Starting from landing on a permanent place, complex additives containing phosphorus should be regularly added. It should be more than nitrogen and potassium.
  3. Watering is carried out with warm water in the evening. It is necessary to water the plants about 1 time per week. It is definitely recommended to water only the roots of the bushes, avoiding the ingress of water on the foliage.

If you follow all the rules of agricultural technology for care, then you can get a richer harvest and quality healthy fruits.

By its characteristics, the Melody variety is in many ways superior to other tomato varieties. Excellent juices, sauces and pastas are made from tomatoes. Fruits are suitable for canning and for fresh consumption. Many gardeners prefer this variety for their beautiful appearance and pronounced tomato flavor.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Nikolay Valerevich, 65 years old: Tomatoes occupy the most space in my greenhouse. Every year I try to plant new varieties. This year, planted a variety of Melody. All summer, as expected, he looked after the bushes, and was very pleased with the results of his labors. All tomatoes are almost the same size in bright red. Excellent palatability made it possible to prepare delicious tomato juice and lecho. Our family consumed fresh tomatoes until late autumn. Be sure to plant this variety again next year.
  2. Tatyana Kirillovna, 35 years old: I always liked to grow vegetables in the country. Tomatoes are the main vegetable crop on my site. Growing does not require special knowledge, the main thing is to tie up bushes and break off stepsons. This will help to get larger fruits, and therefore a higher yield. Several times during the summer, I treated the bushes with pest preparations and added fertilizing. Now, all winter my family will eat processed products: lecho, juices, sauces, and pickled halves.

Video: F1 Melody Tomatoes

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