Tomato Michelle F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Variety Michelle F1 belongs to hybrids. He was bred by Japanese breeders from Sakata. Tomato was added to the State Register of Russia in 2009, quickly gained popularity among fans of nightshade crops, today it is grown in many farms. Variety Michel grows well and bears fruit in a warm climate. In the central regions and in the north of the country, tomatoes are grown exclusively under film coating and in heated greenhouse complexes.

Tomato Michelle F1

Description and characteristics, productivity

Michelle refers to mid-early hybrids. Since planting seedlings in soil or a greenhouse, a little more than three months pass (on average, 100-110 days). Variety indeterminate - not limited in growth, can reach a height of more than 2 meters. Michelle is a standard grade, with compact roots, which allows you to plant 5-6 bushes per 1 square. m

Bushes well resist the majority of "greenhouse" diseases of tomatoes. Recommended for cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses. High yield of the hybrid is one of the main reasons for its popularity in Russia. Subject to all the rules for planting and caring for plants (3-5 bushes per sq.m.) - you can remove 14-15 kg of tomatoes from 1 sq.m.

Ripe fruits of the Michel variety are round, bright red, the average weight of one tomato is from 140 to 220 g. Inside the fruit there are several seed chambers, usually 3 or 4, the dry matter volume does not exceed 6%. Ripe tomatoes not damaged during harvest are stored for a long time, they can be transported over long distances.

Michelle ripe tomato can be eaten raw, in salads, it is also well suited for preservation. Juice or tomato paste from the fruit to cook unprofitable, as the tomatoes are not very juicy. To get the right amount of juice or paste, you will have to use too much raw material, which is economically irrational.


All agrarians who were engaged in the cultivation of the Michel F1 variety noted the following advantages of the variety:

  1. A good harvest with proper care.
  2. High commercial quality ripe tomatoes.
  3. Excellent sweet taste.
  4. Good resistance to most diseases and certain types of pests.

The plant is very demanding on fertilizing and fertilizing, and also needs intensive irrigation and a constant temperature of at least 22C. It requires increased attention, but gardeners still love the variety for good stable crops, excellent commercial qualities, keeping quality, resistance to diseases and insects - pests.

How Michelle is grown

Since the bushes grow more than 2 meters, and many fruits are tied to the branches, the stems must be tied up. It is best to attach bushes to the ceiling structures of a greenhouse or greenhouse. Tomato Michelle needs fertilizers very much and responds very well to them. Top dressing is produced with potash, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers.

How to Grow a Michelle Tomato Variety

On open ground, the hybrid feels good in the southern regions, although the variety is considered greenhouse. In the central and northern regions of the country, tomatoes are grown exclusively in heated greenhouses.

Preventive methods, the fight against diseases and pests of the Michel variety

Although the hybrid is well resistant to certain diseases and insects, it cannot be called completely invulnerable. In order not to create conditions for the development of putrefactive bacteria, you can not overdo it with watering, regularly weed and fertilize the soil with complex fertilizers. If all these conditions are observed, the tomatoes will not get sick and there will not be much trouble with them.In a greenhouse, plants can be attacked by greenhouse whiteflies. Confidor copes well with this pest. A serious loss to the tomatoes is caused by the caterpillars of the butterfly scoop.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to remove all weeds around the bushes. When plants are affected by a scoop, insecticides are used: Karate Zeon, Decis Expert, Lepidocide, Arrivo, and others. The use of pesticides is necessary only in extreme cases - with extensive reproduction of the pest on a large number of plants. In all other cases, you can limit yourself to preventive measures or collect caterpillars from bushes manually. A good result is given to folk remedies - a decoction of wormwood or universal infusion of shag, wormwood and celandine (70-80 gr. Of each component).

A good remedy for repelling most pests is a tincture of garlic arrows. For cooking, you need 400 gr. shooter, which is filled with water and let it brew for 5-7 days. The resulting product is diluted in an amount of 50-60 g. for 10 liters of water.

Reviews of gardeners about the variety

  1. Nina Kravtsova, 38 years old: Hello! I read a lot of good reviews about the variety, I decided to check. Tomatoes ripened after 4 months, the plant was not very whimsical to care for, although it is very fond of top dressing and good watering. As for the crop, I managed to collect about 12 kg. tomatoes from 1 meter.
  2. Veronika Ageeva, 44 years old: For those who love large tomatoes, I strongly advise you to try Michelle. Bushes bear very well. Tomatoes are juicy, fragrant and sweet. Good in salads, and fresh. I did not try to preserve, but I read good reviews. The tomato is not very juicy, it is not suitable for tomato juice.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps

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