Tomato Mona Lisa - description and characteristics of the variety

The dream of each summer resident is to collect a large amount of harvest from his garden as early as possible. Mona Lisa is a true find for those who like delicious and fragrant tomatoes. If you follow the recommendations for cultivation, already in the last days of June you can enjoy the tomatoes grown on your own site.

Tomato Mona Lisa

Grade characteristics

Breeders have created this hybrid variety that can be grown in open beds or under film shelters. It is allowed to grow in unheated greenhouses, but at the same time the bushes are pulled out, the tomatoes are affected by vertex rot.

Variety Description:

  1. A hybrid variety of early ripeness (the period from germination to harvesting is 95 days).
  2. The plant is semi-determinant, reaches a height of up to 130 centimeters, in greenhouse conditions it can grow up to 180 centimeters and above.
  3. It gives a consistently high yield - up to 20 kilograms of ripe tomatoes can be harvested from one square meter.
  4. The number of leaves is average.
  5. The color of the stems and plates is pale green.

The plant is highly resistant to most diseases characteristic of tomatoes - cladosporiosis, verticillosis, tobacco mosaic virus, spotting. If you follow the rules for growing, you can collect a rich crop of tomatoes in the southern regions, as well as in places of risky farming. The hybrid variety is intended for individual garden plots.

Crop description

Breeders describe Mona Lisa tomatoes as follows:

  • red color;
  • the shape is round, slightly flattened;
  • lack of spots near the stalk;
  • the skin is not coarse, dense;
  • the fruits do not crack;
  • the flesh is juicy, in consistency similar to watermelon;
  • pronounced "tomato smell";
  • pronounced taste, with acidity;
  • the mass of each fruit reaches about 300 grams.

The hybrid variety is intended primarily for fresh consumption. Fruits have excellent taste, so vegetable salads, tomato juices are most often prepared from them. But some housewives successfully use such tomatoes for cooking pastas, sauces, lecho, canned food.

There are types of tomatoes that are similar to this - the Leningrad chill, as well as Rosa Vetrov. Varieties have similar qualities - early ripeness, taste data, disease resistance. However, the fruits of Windrose are slightly worse transported.

Growing Features

A hybrid variety of early ripeness has its own characteristics. It must be fed regularly using mineral fertilizers. If you do not feed enough often, the fruits will ripen with a delay. In addition, the Mona Lisa variety is sensitive to too much nitrogen in the soil - the plant grows (there is an active build-up of green mass), while the tomatoes are not formed.

To collect a rich harvest, you must follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Seeds are sown for seedlings in the second decade of March.
  2. After the seeds germinate, you need to ensure that the air temperature is about 18 degrees.
  3. It is recommended to use an agrolamp for illumination.
  4. Tomato seedlings must be fertilized with mineral fertilizers without fail.
  5. When two true leaves appear, the bushes are transplanted into separate containers.
  6. Be sure to harden and ventilate the seedlings.
  7. Tomato bushes should be transferred to a permanent place after spring frosts recede.
  8. Bushes form in two stems.
  9. Be sure to tie the plant.
  10. Seedlings are placed according to the scheme of 40x50 cm (no more than eight bushes should be located on one square meter).
  11. The soil is mulched with rotted sawdust.
  12. Be sure to tie up the brushes and stems.
  13. Periodically, bushes should be stepsoned.
  14. To apply mineral fertilizers in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  15. Water moderately in the morning, avoiding water getting on the stem and leaves.
  16. Remove weeds regularly.
  17. Collect fruits in time.

Before cool nights come (in the central regions this happens in mid-August), you need to remove the tomatoes from the bushes and leave them to ripen indoors.

The opinion of gardeners

Owners of garden plots leave positive feedback about this variety. He is valued for a large number of crops. Fruit setting occurs even in adverse weather conditions. Tomatoes ripen gradually, due to which harvesting of canned food can be done evenly. Excellent taste combined with good transportable characteristics.

Video: Mona Lisa tomatoes

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