Tomato Shaggy Kate - description and characteristics of the variety

The non-standard appearance and color of the Shaggy Kate variety was loved by summer residents who prefer to grow exotic plants. An amazing feature of the berries is the blue color, pubescence of the surface of the fruit, leaves and stem.

Tomato Shaggy Kate

Varietal Features

Shaggy Kate is a late-bearing determinant plant. Its bush reaches 1 meter in height, and the brushes grow on themselves from 4 to 7 tomatoes, with a total weight of 300 g to 600 g. The ripening period of the fruit is up to 125 days.

Unripe fruits have the usual red hue for a tomato, which gradually changes, reaching a saturated blue color. The shape of the berries is round, and the taste is characterized by sweetish notes. A distinctive feature of this variety is the content of anthocyanins in very large quantities. In addition, the fruits of Shaggy Keith tolerate long-term transportation and can be stored for a long time without losing useful properties.

The second tomato variety, which has the identical name, is distinguished by the color of the fruit and the size of the bush. It is characterized by yellow berries and a height not exceeding the mark of 70 cm.

How to grow a shaggy kate?

To successfully grow an unusual tomato, you need to work hard.

  1. Agronomists do not recommend sowing seeds in open ground. Sprouting seedlings on the windowsill in advance will help accelerate fruiting and guarantee an increase in the percentage of seed germination.
  2. It is recommended to start the process of growing tomatoes 2 months before the planned transplant to the summer cottage. However, you should pay attention to the thermophilicity of the plant and adjust the transplant time, based on the temperature regime.
  3. Moderate watering should be observed. Watering is carried out by drying the soil.
  4. For good seedling growth, stimulants and additional nutrients are needed. Agronomists recommend the use of biostimulants and natural fertilizers.
  5. To place seedlings in open ground is necessary based on the calculation - no more than 4 plants per 1 square meter. When forming a bush, it is necessary to create 3 stems and not neglect the garter.

Hairy Kate tomato seedlings need daily care and are demanding of the environment:

  1. Daylight hours should be 14 hours.
  2. For additional lighting, ultraviolet lamps are used.
  3. Temperature and humidity should be optimal. Sudden jumps are unacceptable.
  4. You can increase the air humidity by spraying plants or by means of placing water containers next to them.

Care for an adult plant consists in timely watering, periodic loosening of the soil and hilling of bushes.

The number of crops and its use

The productivity of Shaggy Keith depends on following the recommendations for bush formation. With proper pruning, a variety can produce many fruits.

Shaggy Tomatoes

This type of tomato is used both for decorating the table and eating it raw, and for preparing first, second courses, salads and preparations for the winter.

Pest and disease protection

The Shaggy Kate tomato variety requires additional protection against pests and various diseases. Timely processing of bushes will beneficially affect the quantity and quality of the crop, and its absence can lead to the death of all plants of this variety.

It is necessary to process the plant the entire period of its growth.Before the appearance of flowers, agronomists recommend the use of chemicals with a wide spectrum of action; during flowering and fruit development, the use of chemistry is prohibited, however, leaving the bushes unprotected is dangerous. An alternative in this period will be folk remedies for combating harmful insects.

The main rule for preventive treatment is compliance with the instructions for the use of chemicals. Neglecting this rule can lead to leaf burns and even plant death.

Exotic look

Many are used to seeing red, pink, and yellow tomatoes on their table and garden. The blue tint and fluffiness of the fruits surprise summer residents who are not familiar with the Shaggy Kate variety.

Despite the non-standard appearance, more and more gardeners begin to grow fluffy bushes with blue fruits on their plots, decorating them not only with their garden, but also, later on, a festive table. Dishes with shaggy tomatoes take on an original look and become the main discussion during dinner.

An amazing variety of blue tomatoes impresses not only with their appearance, but also with a useful composition. A versatile and attractive tomato is increasingly found in garden beds and shops, gaining popularity among gardeners, entrepreneurs and ordinary townsfolk.

Video: how often and how much to water tomatoes?

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