Tomato My love - description and characteristics of the variety

The achievement of Russian breeders was the tomato My Love. Successful cultivation of this plant is possible in open ground and closed greenhouses. An amazing ability can be considered productivity, which remains average even in the absence of the necessary care.

Tomato my love

Grade characteristics

My love variety does not tolerate too low temperatures and is recommended for cultivation in southern countries. However, in regions with a low temperature regime, it successfully grows and bears fruit in closed greenhouses. Under all conditions, the average yield is maintained, even if all conditions of care and regular fertilizer application are met. The maximum weight of fruits that can be obtained from one bush is 4 kg. For the normal development of the root system and the active growth of bushes, this variety needs room. A maximum of 3 plants can be located on 1 square meter.

Variety My love refers to early ripening and heat-loving. In addition, it does not slow down growth and continues to bear fruit during a period of lack of moisture.

The trunk trunk is strong, which allows not to tie up the plant, and the immune system copes with many diseases and is able to withstand the effects of the external environment.

Tomato fruits My love

For the fruits of the variety My love is characteristic:

  • small size;
  • bright and saturated red color;
  • rounded shape with slight sharpening on one side;
  • weight not exceeding 120 g;
  • thick peel;
  • the content of a large number of vitamins.

The presence of a dense peel allows the fruit to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time. This tomato variety tolerates transportation well and can retain its palatability and appearance when stored in a cool, dark place.

Tomatoes My love have good taste, which explains their use in the preparation of many dishes and preparations for the winter. In addition, the pulp contains many vitamins that have a positive effect on the immune system.

Sowing tomatoes

Agronomists are advised to sanitize the seed before germination. For these purposes, the use of a weak solution of potassium permanganate is recommended. Such manipulations can prevent the occurrence of pests and the development of fungal diseases in young, immature plants.

Planting seeds in open ground is prohibited. They need preliminary germination, which should begin between mid-March and early April. Seed is placed in small containers filled with soil. Experienced gardeners recommend covering each container with foil and airing it once a day. Young plants need to dive.

During the germination period, it is recommended to use biostimulants and fertilizers that can accelerate the formation of the root system.

Sowing tomatoes My love

For the successful growth of tomatoes, you must first prepare the ground:

  1. Dig up breaking earth clods. The loose, oxygenated earth absorbs water better, which allows plants to receive the required amount of moisture.
  2. Sanitize. The soil can contain many harmful microorganisms and dangerous insects that can harm young tomato bushes.
  3. To fertilize. The land, enriched with a large number of trace elements, guarantees rapid growth and proper development of plants.
  4. Prepare the wells. The size of the holes is determined based on the width of the container in which the seeds are germinated. The hole should be wider and deeper by 2-3 cm.

Transplantation into open ground occurs 2 months after the appearance of the first seedlings.Agronomists recommend using the transshipment method, which will save the root system.

Crop care

This variety is unpretentious in care. However, summer residents are advised to adhere to some rules for caring for the plant:

  1. Exercise regular, moderate watering. Despite the stated breeders resistance to the lack of the required amount of water, the plant needs watering.
  2. Systematic loosening of the earth around the bushes. Loosening the earth provides additional protection against harmful microorganisms.
  3. Regular fertilizer application. A land saturated with nutrients ensures the active growth of the plant and accelerates the formation of fruits.
  4. Timely collection of fruits. The additional load on the bush prevents the formation of new ovaries.

Variety My love is often found in suburban areas. He earned the approval of experienced summer residents due to the early ripening of fruits, high immunity, good taste and good yield. The plant does not need special care and tolerates a period of lack of rain, which is typical for warm regions.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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