Tomato My family - description and characteristics of the variety

Indeterminate large-fruited variety. It is grown, as a rule, in two stems. Fruits are pink-raspberry, sugar pulp, juicy. The skin is dense, elastic, does not crack. The fruits contain a sick amount of solids. Bushes are powerful, sparse, require formation.

Tomato My family

Grade description

Tomato My family is a tall crop variety with large raspberry fruits. Bushes require garters to the supports. Tomatoes can be eaten fresh or processed. The leaves have a saturated green color due to the high concentration of chlorophyll. The plant can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. These tomatoes make excellent juice, ketchup, pasta.

Cultivation and care

Tomato seedlings are grown in boxes, pots. Sown seeds in mid-March. Shoots appear on the 7-9th day. In the phase of the four true leaves, the seedlings dive. At the age of 35 days, seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place of cultivation. Tomato is a thermophilic plant, likes moderate watering, is picky about light.

Errors novice gardeners
Most novice gardeners believe that seedlings should be grown early. And some are sown in March, some in February, and some even in February, thinking that such seedlings will produce a very early crop. But plant biology should be reckoned with.

By the time of planting in the soil, tomato seedlings, for example, which they began to grow in February-early March, are usually already a tall, frail, elongated plant with pale green leaves, although on some there were brushes with buds, or even flowers.

It is this seedling by the end of April - early May that flaunts on the windowsills of apartments. Of course, it is doomed to poor survival and the loss of a significant part of the crop. It restores roots for a long time, often lagging behind in growth.

Tomato seedlings can be grown in the so-called paper honeycombs. Seeds are sown in container cells filled with fertile soil, and then at a certain age (usually no more than 30-35 days), seedlings are planted on a bed without damaging the root system. Here she continues to grow without stopping at engraftment.

The use of cellular containers allows you to get a large number of seedlings in small areas of protected ground due to compact placement.

How to pinch tomatoes?

Pasynkovanie tomatoes - a necessary measure, and in low-growing varieties even reduces productivity. Therefore, in order to avoid loss of productivity, often determinant tomatoes that are grown in open ground are not subjected to pinching. And more attention is paid to the planting of such tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, in order to plant them more densely and to get the maximum yield on a minimum territory and to pay back the money spent on caring for an expensive construction.

How to plant tomatoes My family

  1. This also applies to tall tomatoes, which can be planted freely according to the meter-to-meter scheme and not to be planted at all. But in view of the limited area of ​​the plots, you have to plant them denser and pinch to get larger fruits and yield per unit area.
  2. One of the commonly used methods of pinching is breaking off shoots with hands. It is better to do this with gloves to protect the skin from green corrosive juice, which can cause irritation and even allergies. It is better to carry out stepsoning in the morning or in the morning, when the shoots are juicy and easily broken off.The stepson needs to be pinched - especially if it is already large, and not torn off from the main stem. Otherwise, where the stepson grew up, a small wound is obtained. All given shoots must be taken out of the tomato bed and buried, so as not to provoke the development of tomato infections.
  3. It is not recommended to cut off the stepsons with scissors or a knife, as this leads to the transmission of a viral infection. If you still use the tool, then after trimming one tomato bush, before moving on to the next, you must sanitize the tool.
  4. To prevent the growth of new stepsons, you can leave a piece-stump of the previous length of 1-1.5 cm. Remove the stepchildren at least once a week.

At the end of August, a pinch is carried out - removal of the tops of the stems - the so-called crown, with young leaves on which the fruits are tied and ripen. Together with pinch, the newly appearing flower brushes are broken off, on which the fruits, most likely, will not form until the end of summer.

Reviews gardeners

“We were very fond of tomatoes. My family. This year the weather was a little disappointing: there were torrential rains, heat, sharp temperature drops, which could lead to the development of late blight on the bushes, but this did not happen. I had to work hard - to tie up the plants in time, to conduct pinching and pinching, to limit nutrition, timely cutting of the lower leaves, so that it would not be possible for them to touch the ground. ”

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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