Tomato Moulin rouge - description and characteristics of the variety

A special hybrid variety of tomatoes that Altai breeders bred is Moulin Rouge. It has a large bush size, good harvest and excellent taste characteristics.

Tomato Moulin Rouge

Variety characteristics, fruit application

Hybrid varieties of tomatoes are obtained by crossing several plants of the same species. Breeders are seeking a plant that will have the characteristics of several varieties. For example, frost resistance, high productivity, good taste, precocity and a high level of immunity.

Hybrid Moulin Rouge - an early ripening variety, bred for cultivation in closed greenhouses. The plant has an attractive appearance and bears fruit well. The fruits of the Moulin Rouge tomato are collected in a brush of 10 berries, have a round shape and a rich shade of red. The peel of the fruit is smooth and thin.

The hybrid bush is tall, making plant care and harvesting easier. Agronomists also note a high level of yield of the variety. From 1 square meter, you can collect 10 kg of fruits, each of which weighs 150-200 g.

Housewives use the Moulin Rouge for harvesting for the winter, preparing a variety of snacks and salads. Due to its good taste, tomatoes of this variety are suitable for use both raw and ready-made.

Hybrid cultivation

Hybrid Moulin Rouge is forbidden to germinate in the open ground. It is necessary to plant and grow seedlings in advance - 60 days before transplanting to a permanent place of growth.

Germination seedlings:

  1. Seed disinfection. The seed is disinfected with a weak solution of manganese to prevent fungal diseases and the development of harmful microorganisms.
  2. The placement of seed in a container with nutrient soil. Depth of landing is not more than 1 cm.
  3. Ensuring the necessary temperature conditions. For successful hybrid germination, the average air temperature should be plus 25 degrees, with an allowable error of 1-2 degrees.
  4. Compliance with moderate, timely watering. It is necessary to irrigate the earth as it dries.

Young, strong bushes can be planted in a permanent place using the transshipment method. For successful growth and development of the plant, agronomists recommend that you follow some rules:

  1. On 1 square meter place no more than three bushes. The distance between plants is necessary for the normal development of the root system.
  2. Moulin Rouge responds well to a large amount of moisture, so he needs to provide plentiful watering. An ideal option would be a drip irrigation system.
  3. A young plant should be regularly fed with mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied systematically, following the instructions for use.
  4. It is recommended to use biostimulants to accelerate the growth of the root system, leaves and improve the ovary. Biostimulants are not able to harm the plant, they act gently.
  5. Some bushes reach large sizes and need a garter.
  6. Moulin Rouge tomatoes can be grown in either 1 or 2 stems.

Growers' recommendations for growing

Moulin rouge tomatoes
Gardeners growing the Moulin Rouge advise:

  1. Remove 1 immature berry from each plant brush. This will provide an increase in the size of the remaining fruits.
  2. Pruning the lower ovaries will increase the flowering intensity of the Moulin Rouge tomato.
  3. To achieve an increase in fruiting and fruit size, it is necessary to increase the concentration of CO2 in the air.To do this, put in a greenhouse 2-3 buckets filled with manure.

The opinion of summer residents about the tomato variety Moulin Rouge

Finding a negative review about tomato Moulin Rouge is impossible. Opinions about the Altai hybrid were divided into good and very good.

Experienced summer residents especially highlight the size of the bush of this variety. Caring for a tall plant is very simple, and when harvesting, you do not need to strain your back muscles for many hours. In addition, a plant with such dimensions is easier to handle from pests. Universal praise also earned the size and palatability of a tomato.

On the network you can find many reviews on the resistance of plants to low temperatures. Users assure that the fruits of the Moulin Rouge hybrid are preserved even when the tops are completely frozen and do not lose their qualities.

Hybrid Moulin Rouge conquered with its taste, features of the size of the bush and good yield. Despite the fact that the price of hybrid seeds is an order of magnitude higher than usual and it is impossible to collect them yourself, very many summer residents grow Moulin Rouge, and they do not plan to abandon this variety.

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