Tomato Neptune F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Hybrid tomato varieties are popular with gardeners and vegetable growers. Neptune variety is characterized by good productivity and unpretentiousness in care. Compact bushes perfectly fruit in greenhouses and in beds in the garden.

Tomato Neptune F1

Grade description

The plants grow strong, of small stature, reach a height of about 70 cm. The leaves on the bushes are light green in color. The variety belongs to an early ripe variety. The bushes begin to bear fruit in the beds approximately 80-100 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. The first ovaries are formed after 5-6 leaves, repeated every 2 leaves.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round, with full ripening, the tomatoes acquire a red color. Tomatoes are not large, the weight of one tomato varies from 100 to 120 grams. The skin is strong and smooth, not prone to cracking. The variety has excellent transportability to other regions without loss of presentation. From 1 square meter, you can collect up to 7 kg of ripe tomatoes, in a greenhouse the crop can be 2 times higher.

Cultivation agricultural

The beds for planting should be in a place well protected from wind and sunlight. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of flooding. To get a richer crop, a place for planting must be prepared in the fall. Humus and additives containing potassium and phosphorus should be added to the soil.

Planting varieties
Tomatoes are grown in seedlings. For this, seeds are purchased in a specialized store. Soil for sowing can be prepared independently. The land from the garden is mixed with peat and humus. In order to get rid of harmful insects, the soil should be calcined on a stove or in the oven, you can fill it with hot water. Crop boxes are cleaned in a warm, well-lit area. It should be watered daily with warm water.

As soon as 2-4 leaves are formed on the seedlings, the seedlings are dived into separate containers. Before planting in the soil of the plant must be hardened. For about 10-14 days, containers with seedlings are taken outside for several hours. Landing in the ground begin to make 55-60 days after the appearance of sprouts. 8-9 seedlings are planted per 1 square meter. The distance between the holes should be 40 cm. Add 500 g of wood ash and 1 teaspoon of superphosphate to each well. Low-growing plants do not require tying, lower leaves and stepsons should be cut off. In early ripening varieties, fruits are harvested until early August. Tomatoes ripen at home for 10-15 days.

Grade Care
During the summer season, organic fertilizing should be made several times. Loosening the soil and removing weeds will help get rid of insects - pests and from infection with fungi. Water the tomatoes 1 time per week with warm water. Aridity of the soil should not be allowed, but it is also not necessary to overmoisten the soil, otherwise the root system of the bushes may begin to rot. Despite the high resistance to many diseases, in order to prevent the tomato bushes need to be sprayed several times with special preparations.

If you follow all the rules of cultivation and care of the Neptune variety, the resulting crop will please its high rate. Tomatoes are great for fresh consumption, they are used to prepare a variety of dishes, and also make all kinds of preparations. No full meal can do without ketchup, tomato sauce or pasta. Many gardeners note that the variety does not cause problems during cultivation, and the taste and yield are always at the highest level.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Sergey Mikhailovich, 51 years old: He planted Neptune tomatoes on his plot.I liked the unpretentiousness of the plant and high productivity. Low bushes do not need to be tied, stepsons and lower leaves tore off. Tomatoes turned shiny, red, almost the same size. My wife cooked a delicious ketchup and rolled up cans for the winter. Tomatoes are very tasty and juicy.
  2. Amalia Petrovna, 49 years old: Sort Neptune saw in the store, and decided to try to plant in his country house. I liked the fact that the bushes are compact and do not need to be tied up. Tomatoes are all smooth and smooth, the taste is excellent. Almost all summer my family ate fresh tomatoes. It is required to feed plants at least 3 times per season. This has a positive effect on yield and fruit size. Next year I want to grow this variety again. In my garden there is little space, so compact and low bushes that do not take up much space are suitable for growing. In a greenhouse, the result will be better, if I install a greenhouse, then I will plant tomatoes there.

Video: Neptune F1 tomatoes

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