Tomato Nocturne - description and characteristics of the variety

Nocturne Tomatoes is a hybrid variety developed by Russian specialists of the agricultural company "Seeds NK Russkiy Ogorod". He appeared on our market not so long ago, but has already won the sympathy of gardeners with remarkable qualities inherited from parental varieties. Tomatoes of this variety are distinguished by their elegant appearance, excellent taste and good yield.

Tomato Nocturne

general characteristics

The Nocturne variety is a semi-determinant type: after its bush gives 4-6 fruit brushes, it ceases to stretch in height, stopping at about 150 cm. The leaves of the plant are medium, dark green in color.

The fruits are tied and ripen very friendly. The ripening period of tomatoes is an early, growing season is approximately 90 days. Productivity is good enough, from 1 square meter of plantation you can collect 20 kg of tomatoes.

Fruit Description

Nocturne tomatoes are not large, their weight usually does not exceed 150 grams. They are very elegant, flat-rounded with a slight ribbing. The color of the fruit is bright red, the stalk does not form on the stalk. Nocturne tomatoes are juicy, fragrant with a wonderful sweet and sour taste, they contain a large amount of vitamin C. The fruit pulp is elastic, without excessive water content. The skin is quite thin, but strong.

The use of tomatoes of this variety is quite universal. Fresh they can be added to many vegetable dishes and summer salads, indispensable in stuffing. Nocturne tomatoes also produce wonderful pickles and other canned goods. Due to their small size and strong skin, they can be preserved whole. This is one of the few varieties whose tomatoes can be dried.

Nocturne variety tomatoes are distinguished by excellent keeping quality; during storage, they retain elasticity and presentation for a long time. It perfectly tolerates transportation; tomatoes can be transported without loss over long distances, which facilitates their commercial use.

Features of agricultural technology

Nocturne is grown in seedlings. The quality of the fruit crop will depend on how healthy the seedlings will be prepared for planting. Sown in March in containers with fertile soil. A complex mixture for nightshade is well suited for this purpose, but you can use garden land with humus or peat. Before planting, seeds are best treated with a growth stimulator - for this purpose, for example, an ash solution is suitable. Seeds are buried by 1-1.5 cm.

In order for the plants to develop well, they maintain a temperature of at least 21 degrees in the room. It is very important to ensure a long daylight hours, at least 16 hours a day - for this you can use agrolamps. Seedlings love frequent watering and organic dressing. Most gardeners cover containers with seedlings with foil to create a greenhouse effect. When 3 true leaves are formed, the seedlings require picking, it is transplanted into more spacious containers.

Seedlings are planted in greenhouses, film shelters and open beds, the variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions. About 7 days before planting in the soil, it is useful to harden seedlings by lowering the room temperature. This will help the plant to adapt after transplantation, when its roots will be damaged, and also will not allow the shoots to stretch upward, and will help form a strong thick stem. The soil does not require special treatment before planting, but it is very useful to shed it with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.Tomato plants are successfully grown in beds where cucumbers, carrots, cauliflower, dill, zucchini, or parsley grew before.

Of the measures to care for plants, one can name regular loosening of the soil, with its help they provide aeration of the root system. It is also very important to establish regular watering of tomatoes and top dressing with mineral or organic fertilizers. Fruit brushes are heavy enough and, so that they do not break, the branches of the plant must be tied to trellises or greenhouse construction elements. Harvested after 85-90 days from planting. Take off the fruits with whole brushes.

Reviews gardeners

Typically, respondents to the polls say that plants of the variety are completely capricious, easy to care for and give a plentiful harvest, even in the northern regions of the country. Gardeners like that the variety is early ripe, the bushes are compact enough and a large greenhouse is not required for their cultivation. Many buyers note that this type of tomato is convenient for summer residents who cannot often go to their plots.

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