New Year's tomato - description and characteristics of the variety

A large number of varieties of tomatoes allows almost the whole year to feast on such a wonderful juicy vegetable. Many gardeners will especially like the New Year's variety, which ripens at the end of summer and delights agronomists to the very frosts. In addition to its late fruiting, it is well kept and can last until spring.

Tomato New Year

Distinctive features

Many tomato lovers want to get both early fruits for further consumption and sale, and those that will please with their ripeness in later periods, until the onset of cold weather and even frost. Such varieties include New Year's tomato. Due to its resistance to temperature extremes, it can bear fruit until the month of November. And after the harvest is stored in a dark place until the New Year. It is this variety that was bred specifically for lovers of late tomatoes.


Tomato "New Year" refers to an indeterminate variety. The maximum height of the bush is 150 centimeters. It tolerates soil and unheated greenhouses.

Late ripening - from the appearance of sprouts to ripening fruits takes an average of 140 days. It has a tendency to grow large amounts of foliage. The first inflorescence is formed on the 10th leaf. With good care from the bush, you can collect up to 3.5 kilograms of a succulent crop.

It normally tolerates many diseases characteristic of tomato crops: fusarium, cladosporiosis. To protect against late blight, you should pre-spray the plant with preparations containing copper. You can make a solution with a small content of iodine and serum: 1 liter of serum, 10 liters of water and 10 drops of iodine.

Tomatoes lie unripe for a long time and gradually ripen in a dark and warm room. For this, many agronomists love the variety. In winter, tomatoes will decorate the table, both fresh and in various dishes. Used in salting, both separately and in combination with other vegetables.


Small tomatoes have a bright yellow and orange color, slightly flattened on top. In the upper part there is a slight ribbing. Each bush is strewn with fruits. The maximum weight of one vegetable is an average of 150 grams. Contains 4-5 seed chambers with small seeds. The skin is dense and hard. Torn unripe tomato can be stored for 3 to 5 months. Accordingly, picked tomatoes in November can last until April. This feature of storage is peculiar to a small number of varieties.

Growing and Care Recommendations

Growing tomatoes New Year

  1. Sowing seeds should be scheduled for March 10 - 15.
  2. Dive seedlings after the formation of the first leaf.
  3. It is important to feed seedlings in a timely manner. For better growth and the formation of strong trunks, the plant needs additional lighting with a fluorescent lamp.
  4. Before planting in open ground, seedlings begin to harden 2 weeks before transfer. It is introduced for several hours into the open air or the room is ventilated. Watering is carried out as necessary. In no case should you fill the plant, otherwise the rot of the stem and fruits will begin.
  5. Before transplanting plants into the soil, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with granules containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Also, to strengthen the immunity of tomato, it is worth adding a tablespoon of saltpeter to the holes, then sprinkle it with earth and transplant seedlings. Tomatoes are transferred to the ground 50 days after hatching all the seeds.
  6. Planting plants is according to the scheme 40 * 60 centimeters from each other.About 4 bushes per 1 square meter are obtained. Before planting and during growth, it is necessary to mulch the soil. This manipulation will facilitate the care of the plant.
  7. When forming a bush, leave only one stem. Remove stepsons, leave all inflorescences. To prevent breakage of the stem and brushes, the plant is tied. Do not leave the fruits on the bushes for a long time, they can begin to deteriorate.


  1. Resistance to many diseases makes it possible for gardeners to not be very worried about the conduct of preventive measures and plant treatments.
  2. You do not need to water the plants much, moderate watering is enough.
  3. Variety "New Year" was liked by many agronomists for their harvest. Late ripening and long storage made the variety quite popular among professionals and amateurs.


Unlike their counterparts, which ripen in the middle and at the end of summer, and do not have the possibility of long storage, “New Year's” has a dense pulp and a thick skin that not everyone likes. In regions with a harsh climate, tomato is not comfortable. In such areas, the plant can only develop in a heated greenhouse.

Despite the disagreements of many agronomists, thanks to their data, tomatoes will be on the table in autumn, winter and spring. Tomato is suitable for canning. It tolerates diseases, is easily cured with timely treatment.

Video: New Year's variety tomatoes

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