Tomato Novosibirsk hit - description and characteristics of the variety

This tomato variety was recently bred as a result of successful selection experiments in Siberia. The ripening period is at least 112 days, which characterizes it as mid-early according to the classification of fetal ripening in agronomists.

Tomato Novosibirsk hit


As a rule, the height of the plant reaches a level of 1 to one and a half meters. In this regard, he needs an additional garter to give greater stability to the stem. From the very beginning of planting, cultivation can occur both in open beds and in greenhouse conditions.

The fruits of this vegetable crop are large and often reach a weight of up to 500 g. From each adult plant, you can get up to 7-8 kg of tomatoes. Tomatoes have a rounded shape and a bright saturated shade. According to agronomists and summer residents, this species has a memorable sweet taste. The pulp itself contains a small amount of small seeds, and when cut into several parts exudes a pleasant aroma. Also, with all its positive qualities, it is perfectly stored and tolerates lengthy transport.


In the process of growing and caring for the plant, gardeners practically do not distinguish shortcomings. It is recommended to pay special attention to the timeliness of all procedures related to watering, opening and closing of greenhouses, top dressing.

There are several distinguishing advantages of the variety:

  1. Increased resistance to familiar tomato diseases.
  2. High yield when grown even in open beds.
  3. Excellent palatability and appearance even during long-term storage and transportation.
  4. Increased resistance to stressful situations with significant cooling.

Features of cultivation and care

Further transplantation of seedlings into the soil occurs only after growing seedlings. Seeds are purchased in advance and are usually sold in small packages at any agronomic store.

When planting seeds at a temporary place, it is necessary to calculate the period of time so that at least 2 months elapse before planting in the soil, where the plant will ripen.

Before the final transplant of young plants to a permanent place, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Sort the seeds and remove the deformed ones.
  2. Put on a damp cloth treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about half an hour.

Sowing Features:
Sowing tomatoes Novosibirsk hit

  1. Seeds are sown in a temporary container (for 2 months) with the necessary gap between them. This can be a paper or peat honeycomb, or a shortened kefir box, which perfectly fulfills the role of containers for growing seedlings.
  2. The recommended distance between the seeds when planting should be at least 3 cm * 2 cm in depth. Further, the container is covered with a film on top, which should not be removed until the very first seedlings appear.
  3. At a time when the growth of seedlings reaches about 30 cm in height, and they will have at least 9 leaves, in the presence of a wide rhizome it is already possible to transplant to a permanent place of cultivation.
  4. Germination and further care of the plant is recommended to be carried out under comfortable ambient temperature conditions reaching 24-26 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the planted plant has an increased demand for lighting. He needs to keep it under the open rays of the sun for at least half a day. The first pick is carried out when 2-3 leaves appear.
  5. At the time of transplantation to a permanent place of cultivation, it is recommended to make intervals of 35-45 cm between the seedlings.The plant is very fond of well-lit areas on the beds, but it tolerates drafts very negatively.
  6. The prepared soil in which the seedlings will be planted should be nourished and fertile. It is recommended to use a soil in which cucumbers, zucchini, or onions were previously grown.
  7. Watering the plant should be moderate, despite the increased need for fertilizing with fertilizers. It is recommended to form an adult plant, tying together several stems. In order to grow large-sized fruits, it is necessary to independently regulate the number of branches, cutting off excess ones.
  8. To increase the degree of setting and development of the plant, it is necessary to use special growth stimulants. Basic care takes the form of moderate watering, regular top dressing and removal of excess ovaries.


  1. Anna, 28 years old: This tomato variety is now my favorite. A couple of years ago, a neighbor treated me to them, and now I buy seeds in advance. From each bush I manage to collect from 4 to 7 kg of tomatoes. And what a flavor!
  2. Christina, 54 years old: Great variety, excellent performance. The fruits are large and tasty. I often do canning; our family is big. Already everyone I could recommend this yummy.

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