Tomato O-La-La - description and characteristics of the variety

Not much time will pass, and almost all summer residents, gardeners will be seized by the spring planting fever. For those who have not purchased seeds since the fall, the question will be sharply - what varieties to get, so as not to miscarry and grow an excellent crop of vegetables.

Tomato o la la

When choosing a variety, you should pay attention to certain characteristics - should have a combination of valuable and useful properties. Two important qualities for cultivated plants are disease resistance and a consistently high yield. And in full measure such characteristics are possessed by tomato varieties O-la-la. It is called differently: and Olya-la, and O-la-la-la, and even just Olya.

Characteristics and features of the variety

This variety was bred by Russian breeders. It was entered in the State register of selection achievements in 2004. And he quickly gained the recognition and love of gardeners across the country.

This is a determinant (undersized) variety of tomatoes for cultivation in open and closed ground conditions. Early ripening. Seedlings are planted at the age of 55-60 days. And the period from planting seeds to the start of harvesting is 90-100 days. The optimal planting scheme is 4-6 plants per square meter. The bush is powerful, standard type. Plant height even in greenhouse conditions does not exceed 80-120 cm.

Fruits are oval and rounded in shape, aligned, uniform, with a small, barely noticeable nose. The skin is thin, but strong and elastic. In the stage of technical ripeness, they are reddish in color, and when fully matured, they acquire a beautiful crimson pink color.

The fruits of O la la are quite dense, but not oak-hard. Inside they consist of 3-5 chambers with a small amount of medium-sized seeds. The pulp is tasty, fleshy, juicy, sweet. Especially high sugar values ​​are important for tomatoes with an early ripening period, which is O-la-la.

Grade Strengths

  1. It is quite resistant to the main diseases of solanaceous crops.
  2. The usual, standard agricultural cultivation technique, which does not require constant garter and pinching.
  3. Universality of use. Tomato is successfully used both for preservation and for fresh consumption, as well as for sale in the markets of fresh vegetables.
  4. Suitability for all types of processing (juices, tomato paste, ketchups).
  5. The average weight of fruits in a season is 150-180g. But often they can pour up to 250 grams.
  6. The size of tomatoes is not very small throughout the season.
  7. Early ripening, allowing you to sell vegetables at a good price with high demand.
  8. Normal productivity - up to 2 kg of fruits from a bush and up to 8-10 kg from 1 sq. meters, depending on the landing pattern.
  9. Excellent palatability, sugar and acid are well balanced in tomatoes. The dry matter content is 6%.
  10. The pulp is dense, but juicy. Tomatoes have good indicators of keeping quality and transportability.
  11. Relatively cold-resistant and unpretentious tomato variety.
  12. Resistant to lack of sunlight.

Secrets to Successfully Growing Varieties

Growing tomatoes O la la

  1. The temperature of the air when growing seedlings should not fall below 20C degrees.
  2. Regular loosening of the soil to facilitate air access to the roots. And also weeding is mandatory.
  3. Prevention of diseases and pests using plant protection products or biological products.
  4. Regular supply of moisture in the right amount.
  5. The introduction of organic matter into the soil, in particular rotted manure, with a norm of up to 4-5 kg ​​per 1 sq. Km. m. And, of course, regular (up to 4 times per season) top dressing with complex fertilizers is important, depending on the stage of plant development.
  6. It shows the best results when forming 2 stems on a bush.

Reviews of gardeners about the variety

  1. Olga Petrovna, 56 years old: I bought this tomato variety as soon as I saw the name. My name is Olya, and so I firmly decided that I would buy it. She kept seedlings on the windowsill, and in the spring, when the soil and air were warm enough, she planted them in the country. What I liked right away - the tomato does not grow too high. It is not necessary to constantly put supports and tie up. And, of course, I really liked that with a small growth, he just flunked us with tomatoes! Tasty, large, juicy. This was a pleasant surprise. We ate plenty and for the winter we did plenty of seaming. Now tomato Olya la is one of my favorites.
  2. Vera, 35 years old: Last year, my sister gave me seeds of tomato O la la. She said that they were superfluous. Like, and so bought plenty of foreign hybrids! Well, I think okay, we'll see later. How well done he turned out to be. Only once sprayed biological products per season. And throughout the season, not a single sick leaf, no sores. And about the excellent sweet taste of handsome tomatoes, I generally keep quiet! And what is interesting - the sister for this season already bought seeds O la la one of the first.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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