Tomato Charm - Variety Description and Characterization

Variety "Charm" is a hybrid. He collected all the best qualities and strengths of the tomato culture. Thanks to its properties, it has already managed to charm many vegetable growers who gladly provided it with several square meters in their summer cottage.

Tomato Charm

Grade description

"Charm" belongs to varieties with an average ripening period. Already on the 120th day from the moment of planting the seed, ripe and tasty fruits are formed. It is ideal for all areas of the country. It is successfully grown both in the south, and in the middle and northern strip. The ripening period is one of the main advantages of the variety, as many want to try the result of their labors in the summer.

The fruits are large enough. It all depends on personal preferences. However, working with large fruits takes much less time than with small ones.

An adult bush is able to grow in greenhouse conditions up to 2 meters, which significantly increases the yield of the variety, while leaving room for other plants. From one adult bush, up to 5 kg of ripened fruits are harvested. These characteristics increase the yield by 2 times, which makes the variety attractive for growing vegetables for sale.


The fruits of the variety are round in shape, slightly flattened. The surface is even and smooth. The color of the tomato is red and raspberry. The weight of an individual fruit can be from 250 to 300 grams. Although there are exceptions, the mass of which reaches half a kilogram!

The taste of tomatoes is unusual: sweet-sour. Gourmets will like it. The pulp is medium density, juicy, bright. The fruits of this variety are perfect for preparing vegetable salads, for slicing on the table, as well as for preserving tomato juice. Thanks to the sweet-sour taste of vegetables, the juice is amazing and, importantly, healthy.

Due to its size, the variety is not suitable for canning in general. Canned tomatoes are extremely rare.


Variety "Charm" belongs to the indeterminate type, so it can grow up to 2 meters. In some cases, it reaches unthinkable heights for a vegetable crop - from 3 to 4 meters! Growth is practically unlimited, if you do not cut the branches and do not pinch. The brushes take the beginning of formation from the 9th branch, after which they grow after each 3rd.

Note! Growing a variety in greenhouse conditions, you can artificially extend the harvest period.

Tomato cultivation Charm

When planting, it is required to observe the distance between the tomatoes. On a square meter, 2 pairs of bushes can easily fit. This is the main advantage of the Charm variety. In addition, the ripening of fruits occurs gradually, and not at one moment, by the entire "team." This is convenient: you can enjoy ripe fruits for a longer time.

Sowing of seeds begins from March to April. When exactly - depends on climate conditions. It also affects where it is planned to grow tomatoes: in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open ground. From planting a seed to seedling, ready for planting, usually takes 60 days. This is enough to get good seedlings that can grow in open or closed ground conditions.

This variety is resistant to frost, and most importantly, it has a high resistance to drought. This few tomatoes can boast of. And this is another reason why the variety has already fascinated many growers.

Grade Care

To obtain delicious fruits, proper care is required. It is as follows:

  1. Elimination of all branches, processes below the first branch on which the fruits are formed.
  2. Massive supports are required so that the plant remains intact under the weight of the fruit. You can use several. As garters need a strong, sturdy material.
  3. Implementation of irrigation under the root.
  4. Systematic application of nutrients, minerals to the soil.
  5. Carrying out prophylaxis with copper, sulfur against the appearance of fungi.
  6. Periodic weed removal, soil loosening.

Significantly distinguishes this variety from the rest is high immunity to most diseases characteristic of this vegetable culture.

Variety "Charm" - one of the best hybrids received by breeders. It has a lot of positive properties and has high protective properties, which allows you to grow it in any territory and get an excellent harvest. At the same time, tomatoes of this variety are unpretentious in care. Care consists of the usual manipulations: watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, weeding the soil and timely removal of excess branches. A novice grower can also cope with this.

Video: Charming Variety Tomatoes

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