Tomato Olesya - description and characteristics of the variety

The plant is tall, up to 1.5m. The fruits are used to make fresh salads. Juice is also squeezed out of tomatoes, which has a noticeable sweet taste.

Tomato Olesya


The fruits of Olesya tomatoes are very tasty, without sourness, yellow. The variety is suitable for whole preservation. Due to the dense skin, tomatoes perfectly tolerate heat treatment, do not fall apart. Their characteristic feature is a large amount of carotene. This affects the improvement of metabolic processes, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the improvement of vision, strengthens the immune system.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings can be planted in the soil when the temperature of the soil at a depth of 5 cm will reach 15 degrees. If floods are typical of your region, it is better not to rush to planting tomatoes, and wait out this period.

  1. Tomatoes do not tolerate excessive soil moisture. The root decay process may even begin. Tomatoes can be grown on any type of soil - on sandy, clay, chernozem soils. Everywhere you can achieve a good harvest.
  2. Before planting tomatoes, the plot is removed from weeds and the soil is loosened to a depth of 20 cm. Then, 15 cm deep holes are made with a bayonet spade. A layer of rotted manure is poured onto the bottom of the hole.
  3. In order to get a plentiful harvest, you need not only to grow healthy, strong seedlings, but also to properly plant it in open ground or a greenhouse.
  4. Depending on the weather, seedlings are planted in open ground from May 20 to June 5. After planting, the plants are watered with warm water, mulched with straw or sawdust. After 10 days, plants are fed with ammonium nitrate or urea.
  5. Plants are planted from each other at a distance of 50 cm. Tomatoes are responsive to loosening the soil and watering. At the stage of laying the buds, the bushes are sprayed with an epin solution. During the flowering period, tomatoes are watered daily, they bring ash under the plants, loosen the soil.
  6. For prevention, 20 days after transplanting, the seedlings are treated with a solution of copper sulfate. During the flowering period, plantations are fed with phosphorus-containing fertilizers.
  7. Experienced gardeners recommend hilling tomato bushes. When growing plants in closed ground, active ventilation is used. Tall tomatoes form, remove stepsons and lower leaves.
  8. Removing stepchildren is an important agricultural technique. When removing fatliquoring shoots in the axils of the leaves, a small stump 0.5 cm in size is left. With strong growth, pinch the tops of the bushes.

With proper care, the fruiting of Olesya tomatoes continues until frosts. After flowering, tomatoes are not recommended to be fertilized with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

How to protect seedlings from night frosts

It often happens that the sun shines during the day, the upper thin layer of soil warms up in the greenhouse from it, and at night the air and soil cool off quickly due to the low heat capacity. To keep daytime warm at night, some gardeners put buckets of water in the greenhouses. However, due to the large volume, the water in the buckets does not have time to warm up in a day.

It is recommended to install ordinary glass water bottles between the beds and on the beds on the north side at a distance of 20 cm. The number of bottles is approximately equal to the number of plants in the greenhouse. During the day, the bottles warm up, reducing the heat in the greenhouse, and at night they give off heat.

Diseases of tomatoes and ways to combat them

Tomatoes varieties Olesya
The diseases that “eat” the tomato crop during cultivation and storage are diverse. The worst of them in cool and humid regions is late blight.The losses from this disease are so great that emergency measures are taken to combat this disease. But in addition to late blight, viral diseases that harm with amazing constancy are also dangerous for the tomato crop. Gardeners know that early ripe tomatoes are more protected from late blight than late ripe tomatoes.

  1. Most regions experience rainy weather during June, and heat in July.
  2. A rapid change in conditions undermines plant immunity. In tomatoes, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, various spots appear on them - this is a clear sign of macrosporiosis. Soon, various forms of bacteriosis, as well as late blight, join him. Some of its strains often begin to infect plants not at the end of summer, but much earlier.
  3. Among lovers, popular methods of combating fungal diseases of tomatoes, such as treating plants with infusion of cloves and arrows of garlic, herbs, are very popular. The protective effect of such treatments is short and ineffective, so you should not waste your time.
  4. Reliable modern preparations are sold in specialized stores: Alette, Bravo, Quadris, Tattu, Ridomil Gold and others. All of them are effective, but when spraying it is better to alternate them so that the fungi do not develop resistance to the drug and do not reduce its effectiveness.
  5. As for repeated sprayings, they are carried out as little as possible, looking at the state of the plants. If the first signs of fungal diseases begin to appear - it's time to spray. It can be sprayed once a season. With prolonged rains, to prevent the spread of diseases, the interval between treatments for different drugs is from 7-10 to 20 days. This multiplicity of treatments is best seen in the instructions for the drug.
  6. When purchasing protective equipment even from a trusted company, pay attention to the packaging - it should have signs that are counterfeit-proof.

Growing tomatoes Olesya is most often carried out in greenhouses. The fruits have a large amount of carotene, which makes these tomatoes very useful for children.

Video: Olesya tomatoes

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