Tomato Orange Russian - description and characteristics of the variety

Every year, breeders delight gardeners with new developments. For example, not so long ago, varieties of tomatoes called bicolor became known. These are rather unusual tomatoes, loved by the owners of garden plots in many countries for their original appearance and distinctive qualities. On the Russian market, one of the most successful varieties of bicolor tomatoes is Orange Russian. Although this hybrid variety was created by foreign breeders, in a relatively short time it became incredibly popular among gardeners in the Russian Federation.

Tomato Orange Russian

How Orange Orange appeared and was cultivated

Variety Orange Russian is mid-season. It was created in America. The breeder, thanks to whose work he appeared, is called Jeff Dawson. In the Russian market, the variety could be seen after 2010. After passing all the necessary tests, Orange Russian was included in the State Register of Russia.

Numerous reviews by garden owners indicate that the variety is excellent for growing on unprotected soil in the south of Russia, as well as in the central regions and the Non-Chernozem region. In greenhouses, the plant grows well in Western Siberia and in the Eastern European regions of Russia.

Grade characteristics

The hybrid variety belongs to the bicolor tomato subspecies. This means that ripe fruits have a two-tone color. The structure of the plant itself is also original, it grows a large number of tomatoes.

Gardeners describe Orange Orange tomato bushes as follows:

  1. The plant is indeterminate - the height that it can reach is unlimited.
  2. As a rule, bushes grow to 180-200 centimeters in height.
  3. Bushes are ram-shaped, they must be formed into two or three stems.
  4. A small number of leaves grow on a plant.
  5. The leaves have an original form, bright green color.

In addition, it should be said that the plant has well-developed roots, which has a beneficial effect on its growth and development.

Attention! To increase the yield of a variety, the formation of a plant in two to three stems is recommended. To stop the growth of the bush when its height reaches 150-200 centimeters, you should pin its upper part.

Crop description

Variety Orange Russian is considered mid-season. This means that maturation occurs 111-125 days after the seeds have sprouted. If you take care of the plant, then when growing in open beds from each bush, you can remove up to three kilograms of the crop, when grown in greenhouse conditions - up to 4.5 kilograms. Gardeners emit a huge number of advantages of tomatoes of this variety in comparison with other types of indeterminate type.

Variety Tomatoes Orange Russian

The qualities of the harvest, which can be called its advantages, include the following:

  1. The mass of tomatoes. On average, the weight of each fetus reaches three hundred grams.
  2. The form. Tomatoes have a rounded shape with a point on the end. Their appearance resembles a heart.
  3. Coloring. The skin of tomatoes during ripening acquires a red color with orange blotches. The ends of the tomatoes have a bright raspberry color. In addition, the inside of the fruit also has a heterogeneous color. In the depths of the pulp of an orange hue, reddish veins can be seen.
  4. Taste characteristics. Orange Russian tomatoes have an excellent taste, with the presence of saccharines.
  5. Pulp. The inner part of tomatoes of this variety is dense, there are few seeds in it.
  6. Transportable characteristics. Due to the fact that the skin of ripe tomatoes is quite dense, the fruits retain their appearance, even if transported over long distances.
  7. Long shelf life. If you store mature tomatoes at a temperature of +2 degrees, they do not lose their commercial qualities for forty days.

Application area

The fruits of the Orange Russian variety are intended for use in all areas of cooking. They are consumed fresh and used in the preparation of various dishes. They are canned in their entirety; sauces, pastes, and tomato juices are prepared from them.

How to care

The plant does not require special care. In order for it to develop correctly, it is necessary to water it in a timely manner, weed, fertilize using organic or mineral fertilizing. In addition, pest protection should be remembered. Regular preventive measures will help prevent the development of diseases.

Video: Orange Russian variety tomatoes

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