Tomato Orlets - description and characteristics of the variety

A rare summer resident did not try to grow tomatoes in his garden. Since gardeners want to harvest as quickly as possible, the most popular are early ripe varieties. Especially among them stands out the Orlets hybrid. Experienced gardeners highly appreciate this variety.

Tomato Orlets

General characteristics

To determine the culture will help the description of the characteristics of the hybrid.


  • The variety is indeterminate.
  • Plants in height 150-170 cm.
  • On one brush from 6 to 8 fruits.
  • Ripening lasts from 75 to 80 days.
  • The fruit has a rounded shape.
  • The average weight of the fetus is from 100 to 150 grams.
  • Fruits have a high density.
  • Vegetables are bedridden, transportable.

How to grow a crop on the site

If you use the seedling method, you can get a fairly early crop. Sowing dates need to be calculated individually. It is necessary to count exactly 2 months (60 days) from the moment of the first shoots, and only after that transplant the seedlings into the ground. Depending on the regional climatic conditions, each summer resident needs to calculate the timing independently.

You can plant seedlings quite early, in compliance with all the necessary rules and requirements. The quality of the crop depends on the resistance of plants:

  1. It is necessary to ration watering. If the soil is waterlogged, this can lead to root decay processes. If there is insufficient moisture, this will also not affect the tomatoes in the best way.
  2. In order for the shoots to be resistant and not stretched, they need good lighting.
  3. In order for the root system to develop in full force, the plant needs fertilizing with minerals, which will stimulate growth.
  4. It is necessary to dive in the second phase of this sheet. It is also important to take care of the distribution of plants in separate containers in order to create space for them.

To contribute to the emergence of additional roots, during a dive, it is necessary to shorten the roots. This will help the plant develop a more powerful root system. 2 weeks before transplanting seedlings into the ground, it is necessary to take it outside. This is necessary so that the plants are accustomed to the wind and sunlight. On the first day you need to take out for 15-20 minutes, every day the time can be increased.

When night frosts are over, you can transfer the plants to a permanent place. From 3 to 4 bushes should be placed on one square meter, no pinching is required. As fertilizing, you need to use organic fertilizers and minerals. Quite often, plants are fed complex fertilizers, which consist of several components.

Watering should be done in the evening, using warm water. In order for the soil to retain moisture for a long time, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of mulching the beds. Also, do not forget about loosening and hilling.

Disease immunity

Often, hybrids have a strong immunity to a number of diseases. Variety "Orlets" F1 is not susceptible to diseases such as late blight, white spotting and tobacco mosaic.

Do not forget about preventive work to protect tomatoes from insects. Before flowering, you need to use chemicals, and after flowering - folk remedies.

Productivity and domestic use

If you comply with the necessary requirements, then from 1 m2 of land you can collect from 5 to 6 kilograms of tomatoes.Tomatoes of this variety can be used both for preservation and for fresh consumption.

Positive and negative sides

The characteristic of the Orlets variety F1 has more advantages than disadvantages. This is because tomatoes are hybrid.


  • High yield.
  • Persistent immunity.
  • Keeping quality.
  • Transportability.
  • Bushes do not need to be stubbed.

Disadvantages: seeds are not able to store the genes of parents.

The early ripe variety "Orlets" is grown so that even in the summer you can enjoy tomatoes.

What do summer residents say about the Orlets variety?

Both for inexperienced gardeners and specialists, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the reviews before planting a new variety. After studying them, you can already make the final choice.

  1. Sergey Ivanovich, 30 years old: It has been growing tomatoes for quite some time. Hybrid "Orlets" like because the plants bring a good harvest. The fruits ripen very amicably. Expressive taste, the seeds are not palpable. Highly appreciates the resistance of tomatoes. Under optimal conditions, it was possible to collect up to 40 kg of fruits. Recommends growing this variety to those who are interested in selling vegetables.
  2. Elena, 55 years old: Very suitable for winter harvesting, as well as for fresh salads. Productivity is high even when grown in adverse conditions. No special care is required.
  3. Marina P., 38 years old: Tomatoes have time to ripen in the bushes. The characteristics are excellent, the only drawback is that it is impossible to collect seeds.

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