Tomato Donkey Ears - Description and Characteristics of the Variety

The variety "Donkey Ears" is most often grown in greenhouse conditions. During its existence, has won the trust of many vegetable growers. Due to the high productivity, the size of the fruits, unpretentiousness in care, amazing taste, tomatoes are popular.

Tomato Donkey Ears

Grade description

The variety belongs to early ripening crops. Already on the 110th - 115th day you can get fully ripened, tasty fruits. Bushes of indeterminate type. An adult plant can reach up to 2 meters in height. From 4 to 6 tomatoes ripen on one brush.

The shape of the fetus is elongated, oblong, a bit like donkey ears. In honor of this, the variety received such an unusual name. Tomatoes have an average size, the weight of one vegetable varies from 300 grams to half a kg.

The color of the tomatoes is raspberry, the flesh is juicy and has a sweet taste, medium in density. They lack resistance to external damage, and therefore transporting them over long distances is problematic, and often simply impossible.

Important! Ripe fruits are stored only two to three weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

A variety definitely has its positive and negative sides.


  • a fairly high level of yield;
  • excellent crop quality;
  • excellent taste;
  • dense pulp is great for making juices, pastes.


  • short shelf life;
  • lack of protective properties against diseases, pests;
  • difficult to transport, as the fruits are easily damaged.

Despite the disadvantages, the advantages of this variety have already arranged many vegetable growers to make a choice in their favor.

Landing, care

Donkey Ears tomatoes are grown using seedlings. When exactly to plant the seeds - an individual count of each. These terms are influenced by the climatic conditions of the place of residence. The only thing you need to know is that 60 days pass from the moment of planting to the formation of full-fledged bushes for planting.

Now let's talk about ways to get healthy, strong seedlings. To get a strong, capable of growing and developing seedlings, you must:

Donkey Ears Tomatoes

  1. Provide enough sunlight.
  2. Periodically and moderately water the seeds.
  3. Use during the formation of seedlings to stimulate growth.
  4. Be sure to pick in separate containers.
  5. 7-10 days before the seedlings are planted in an open area or in a greenhouse, hardening is organized: containers with future plants are carried out to an open area. It should start from 20 minutes, subsequently increasing the time to a whole day.

Carrying out the procedures described above will help to grow strong and strong plants with high immunity.

When landing, be sure to keep a distance. On 1 m2, 3 to 4 plants can easily fit. Since the variety is indeterminate, they carry out stepsoning, leaving for growth from 2 to 3 stems, on which the fruits will develop.

Be sure to make props next to the bushes, tying them so that they do not break under the weight of ripened fruits. Watered sparingly, with water at room temperature, preferably in the evening. Fertilizers are applied to the soil at least 2 times: during flowering of the shrub and during the period of intensive formation of fruits.

Diseases and pests

The variety does not have high protection against diseases and pests. In this regard, special attention is paid to the implementation of special preventive measures.Before the start of flowering, chemicals are allowed. They are presented in a large assortment in stores. After flowering begins, it is strongly recommended to use only natural products. For example, a soap solution or a solution of potassium permanganate. Cope with most pests garlic.

Productivity, the use of varieties in cooking

An important indicator when choosing a variety for growing is the level of productivity. The variety "Donkey Ears" has an average yield. From one plant receive up to 3 kg of the crop. It is important to properly and timely remove already ripened fruits, as this affects the formation of new fruits.

Basically, tomatoes are used for simple, fresh slices, cooking pastas, freshly squeezed vegetable juices. They can be preserved. In this case, the fetus is cut into several parts. The variety is not stored for long: only 2 - 3 weeks. However, fresh fruits are so tasty that you should not worry that tomatoes can disappear.

The Donkey Ears tomato variety is perfect for growing in a greenhouse. For those who love freshly squeezed juices, this is just a godsend. The fruits are juicy, sweet. Ideal for fresh, unprocessed form.

Video: how often and how much to water tomatoes?

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