Tomato Padishah - description and characteristics of the variety

A very interesting development of breeders is the tomato variety, which is called "Padishah". Tomato is of interest to gardeners due to its taste, size and unusual color. Below we will consider the distinctive qualities of the Padishah variety, recommendations for cultivation in the Russian regions.

Tomato Padishah

Grade characteristics

Variety Padishah is considered mid-season. Depending on the place of planting, the ripening period is from 111 to 114 days from the moment the seeds germinated. It is well known to gardeners who cultivated this vegetable crop in their plots that it grows with success in any regions of the Russian Federation, as well as in neighboring countries. However, in warmer climates, the amount of harvest is increased. The variety is intended for cultivation both on the open ground, and under film temporary shelters, and in unheated greenhouses. Demonstrates good development in fertile soil. The bush is indeterminate. This means that the plant is formed into one stem.

Ripe tomatoes are large in size - the mass of one fruit is about 250 grams. The color is pink. The surface is smooth, a small ribbing can be seen near the stalk.

The taste is sweet, without sourness. The pulp is dense, without much moisture. Since ripe tomatoes are very large and sugary, they are mainly consumed fresh.

How to plant and at what time

For the successful cultivation of tomato variety Padishah you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Sow seeds for seedlings. This is done in late March - in the first days of April.
  2. Plant seedlings in a permanent place (open beds, film shelters, greenhouse) - end of May - beginning of June.
  3. Harvest ripened fruits - July-August.

Below we consider in more detail all the stages.

Padishah tomato seeds are planted at home in fertile soil to a depth of one and a half centimeters. To create a greenhouse effect, containers with planted seeds should be covered with a film that will need to be removed after the first sprouts appear.

Regular watering is required. When two true leaflets are formed, seedlings should be dived into separate containers. Here it will grow until a young bush is formed. This stage takes about 50 days. After that, the plant is transferred to a permanent place. If you plan to grow tomatoes in greenhouses, then you can do this in April. When growing in open beds, planting seedlings in the garden is necessary in late May - early June, when the last spring frosts recede.

Tomatoes should be planted in unshaded areas. When planting a plant, it is necessary to ensure that the distance between the bushes is at least 40 centimeters, and between rows - at least 70 centimeters. On one square spot of soil should be located no more than three bushes. With such a landing, each of them will be provided with sufficient ventilation and lighting. In addition, there will be free space that is necessary for care.

Vegetable Care

Padishah Tomato Care
The Padishah variety does not need any special care. Landing is necessary from time to time, but abundantly, watered. As the plant grows, the soil must be regularly loosened and spud. Vegetable culture responds positively to the application of mineral and organic fertilizers.

The bush must be tied up and formed. You need to do this by breaking off the lower leaves, as well as removing stepchildren.

It should be noted that the variety is not resistant to late blight.For this reason, it is necessary to treat the plant with special means that provide protection against this disease.


Gardeners who grow such tomatoes on the plots say that the fruits are actively tied and ripened. The ripening of the first crop occurs already in July, the fruits should be carefully picked. You can eat them fresh, prepare salads and vegetable snacks. Also, some housewives use Padishah tomatoes for the preparation of sauces, ketchups, tomato pastes.

The opinion of gardeners

Owners of gardens, especially those who like sweet and fragrant tomatoes, speak positively of the variety Padish. Most gardeners, planting such a vegetable crop on their plots, were satisfied with the harvest. The excellent taste characteristics of these tomatoes will surely appeal to those who love sweet vegetables. And amateurs can sharper add hot pepper to a salad with such tomatoes.

Video: padishah tomatoes

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