Tomato Parodist - description and characteristics of the variety

The plant is characterized by a stunted bush of the standard type, up to 40-50 cm tall. One of the earliest varieties. A variety of a new type, combining short stature and high taste. Parodist recommend growing tomatoes in greenhouses, under film shelters, in open ground in regions with a warm climate. Salads are made of fruits, canned. A distinctive feature of plants is disease resistance.

Tomato Parody


The plant is determinant, the bushes are well developed. The internodes are short. The first brush is laid after the 7th leaf. Each brush has 4-6 fruits of excellent quality. The variety is unpretentious in cultivation. The variety is very popular among gardeners, has several advantages:

Ripening variety, fruit ripening on day 85 from the moment of planting in open ground.

  • Bushes 0.5 m tall.
  • Powerful roots.
  • Simultaneous ripening of fruits.
  • Resistance late blight.

The minuses of the variety include perhaps the extremely short shelf life and instability to transportation. Ripe tomatoes weigh 200g, subject to a favorable climate and proper care.

Characteristics of tomatoes:

  • Flat-round fruits, slightly flattened.
  • Ribbed.
  • Ripe tomatoes acquire a light red hue.
  • Weight does not exceed 200 g.
  • They have a thin, but quite durable skin.
  • Great taste.

Salad variety, but in conservation it is also quite successfully used. The bushes are strong, stunted, do not need to be tied up and removed stepsons.

Cultivation and care

Variety Parodist grown seedling method. Seeds are sown at the end of March. The pick is in the phase of the third true leaflet.

  1. Make a transplant in open ground in late May. When planting, organic fertilizers are added to the wells and watered abundantly with water. Plants can be arranged densely.
  2. On one square meter can comfortably accommodate 7-9 bushes. It is necessary to make stepsoning, this procedure is very important for the proper development of the tomato, it will help direct all the energy directly to the fruits, and not to the bush.
  3. The culture can be grown both indoors and outdoors with the same success.

Variety Parodist susceptible to watery rot. With this disease, the lower part of the stem slowly rots and spreads.

When growing tomatoes, the following procedures are important:

  • loosening
  • plentiful and timely watering,
  • top dressing and weeding.

Tomato care also includes pest control. In this case, there are two ways: to resort to chemicals or to manual removal. Of course, if you grow tomatoes in large quantities, then manual removal of pests is not an option. But remember that all the chemicals that will be applied are absorbed into the fruits in certain doses.

This variety does not like drought, not an excess of water. In the second case, there is a risk of fungal diseases, as well as rotting of the root system.

Watering tomatoes Parodist

  1. Watering tomatoes is rarely necessary, but plentiful, while not allowing the soil to dry.
  2. In rainy weather, watering is done no more than once a week. Water should be enough for the plant from the moment ovaries are formed until the fruit ripens. If there is a drought during the formation of the ovaries, then there is a possibility that they will fall away, and small and sluggish fruits will form from the remaining ones.
  3. Lack of water can cause cracking of tomatoes. Tomatoes respond well to drip or underground irrigation. When using one of these methods, the yield is usually increased.

A little tip.If you add a little ash to the water before watering (no more than one handful), then tomatoes will be much less sick and grow more actively. Also, ash can be put under the root of the bush.

Top dressing
Tomatoes are fed with complex fertilizers three times per season.

  1. You can use a solution of bird droppings. The most important trace elements for this culture are magnesium and boron.
  2. Lack of the latter can lead to shedding of ovaries, and, accordingly, to a significant reduction in yield. For top dressing, you need to dilute one gram of boric acid in one liter of warm water, and spray this solution with greens in the late afternoon.
  3. The soil between the rows is loosened and mulched approximately every two weeks. If tomatoes are grown in heavy soils, then the first 10-15 days produce deep cultivation.

Tomatoes Parodist can be grown in greenhouses or greenhouses. The planting method is seedling. An important advantage of the variety is its high yield and resistance to late blight. Fruits are flat-round, red, the mass of one fruit is on average about 150 g.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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