Tomato Easter egg - description and characteristics of the variety

This tomato variety appeared on the vegetable market not so long ago. They not only differ in the variety of forms, but can also have different colors - there are fruits both yellow and red. The variety adapts to almost any soil and continues to bear fruit throughout the season. Therefore, more and more summer residents choose this type for themselves.

Tomato Easter Egg


The ripe fruit reaches a relatively small weight - up to 50-55 gr., Has a rich aroma and distinctive taste characteristics. Despite a sufficient amount of sugars, the tomato has a slightly noticeable acidity.

Due to the variety of colors, the variety is gaining immense popularity and is becoming an important element of the festive table.


The variety has an average ripening period. About 3.5 months elapse from the moment the first sprouts appear until the ripe fruits are picked. Well suited for both open beds and indoor greenhouses. Adult plants reach one and a half meters and are characterized by increased branching.

Shoots grow strong and large. They must be pinched and tied to a support or adjacent branches. The ovaries with future fruits are tied together with 4 neighboring ovaries.

In the process of ripening, the fetus assumes a shape similar to an Easter egg, which is why it got its name. Often the color of the ripened tomato becomes a reddish hue with yellow streaks of stripes. The surface of the fruit is of dense structure, and their ripening continues until the end of the season. The latest fruits may be slightly finer, but also sweeter in taste.

Ripe tomatoes are often used fresh, but are also great for preservation. The variety tolerates transportation very well and practically does not deform. Adult plants have proven resistance to major tomato diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Increased crop yield.
  2. Earlier fruit ripening, unlike most other varieties.
  3. Adaptability to any weather conditions.
  4. Do not fall and do not crack.

The only drawback is the need for tying and pruning branches.

The nuances of care

No special care is required. Planting seeds is recommended for a couple of months before planting in the main soil. After transplanting to a permanent place, the plant requires regular watering, pruning, loosening the soil, fertilizing, gartering, getting rid of nearby growing weeds.

What else is a good variety?

Easter Egg Tomatoes
This type of tomato in terms of ripening is classified as mid-early species, because from the time of first sprouts to the time of harvesting the first crop about 105 days pass. In the context of growth in central Russia, cultivation in closed greenhouses is recommended. Fruits are not prone to cracking even under the influence of weather conditions such as drought and high humidity.

How to grow?

Seeds are planted about a couple of months before the intended planting at the main place of cultivation. They can be planted both in simple small boxes and in special peat containers. Before putting seeds into the soil, the seed is treated with special means.

Sowing in primary soil is carried out at 1.5 cm depth, with additional watering using a sprayer. Then the pots are covered with a film until the first shoots appear. The initial dive is performed after the appearance of 2 leaves.

Seedlings are transferred to the main growing place only after preliminary weekly hardening. For these purposes, young seedlings are left in the fresh air for half an hour, and gradually increasing the time to 2 hours.

Before the final planting in the soil, special holes are made with the addition of complementary foods - fertilizers. Next, plants need to be regularly watered and tied. Increasing fruitfulness is achieved by regular loosening of the soil. This is done to achieve the maximum balance of the development of the root system due to the proper circulation of humidity and air.

As a result of proper care, the fruits ripen in a beautiful and regular shape. Most gardeners have already appreciated their benefits and shared their opinions.


Ivan, 74 years old: I am a supporter of growing varieties I know. Still, you already know what you get as a result. And here, in the winter, my niece brought this sort of grape one more time. What can I say, quickly got up and unpretentious in leaving. Watering, loosening, feeding, and you look already and the fruit ripens. Tomatoes turn out tasty and juicy, of a beautiful unusual color. In a word, I recommend it.

Video: Easter Egg Tomatoes

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