Tomato Peremoga - description and characteristics of the variety

Belarus has many turf soils and a temperate continental climate. Breeders took into account all these features, and developed the Peremog variety. Plants were tested on the ground in 1951. They normally tolerate high humidity and cool summers.

Tomato Peremoga

general description

The variety is loved by many Belarusian gardeners. Consider its main characteristics.

  1. Gives good harvests, fruits ripen early.
  2. The bushes are relatively low, their maximum height is about 60 cm.
  3. It’s easy to care for them. It is enough to perform only standard procedures.
  4. Under the seventh leaf on the bush, the first inflorescence appears.
  5. The plant is not afraid of a sharp change in temperature.
  6. Even in a shaded area it brings good harvests.
  7. Rarely sick with fungal diseases.
  8. Tomatoes of this variety can be grown not only in the greenhouse, but also on the open ground.
  9. The fruits have a fairly strong skin, so that they can be transported.

These features allow you to successfully grow tomatoes of this variety in many regions in Russia: Belgorod, Saratov, Tula region. The main advantage is good yield. If the plants are properly looked after and maintained the necessary conditions, then from 1 square meter you can get about 14-15 kg of fruit.

Peremoga fruits have the following characteristics:

  1. They have a slightly ribbed smooth surface and a rounded, slightly flattened shape.
  2. The ripened fruits are red. Their mass is about 145 g.
  3. The skin is thin, but strong enough.
  4. The pulp is juicy and has a sweetish flavor. On each brush grows 4-5 tomatoes.
  5. During the season, from one bush you can collect up to 5 kg.

Growing seedlings

  1. Before planting tomatoes of this variety, it is recommended to grow strong seedlings. It is important to maintain the necessary conditions for the sprouts so that they are well enough strengthened.
  2. Quality lighting. If your windows are facing south, place a container with seedlings on the windowsill. If there is little natural light, use ultraviolet lamps.
  3. Sprouts need high humidity. 2 times a day should be sprayed with plants. If the humidity in the room is low, use special humidifiers.
  4. The temperature should be maintained between 19-24 ° C.
  5. Seeds should be sown to a depth of not more than 1.5 cm. Between the grooves, observe a distance of about 4 cm. If the distance between the shoots is sufficient, you will not need to plant them longer.

Landing and care

Planting tomatoes Peremoga

  1. 7 days before planting in the soil, fertilize for seedlings. In addition, it must be hardened. For several hours, daily place a container with seedlings in the sun and air. Let the plants stay outdoors 1-2 hours a day. Repeat this procedure for a week.
  2. When planting, observe a distance between the bushes of approximately 60 cm. Approximately the same should remain between the rows. In this way, you will provide the plants with enough light.
  3. You can plant seedlings in the soil at the age of about 40 days. In the preparation period, fertilizing should be done 2-3 times.
  4. To get a high crop of tomatoes, you need to regularly water the plants, apply fertilizer, loosen the soil and remove weeds.
  5. Water the plants only with warm water, preferably in the evening.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Marina Sergeevna, 30 years old: For the past 3 seasons, I could not find a suitable tomato variety for my garden. I have a small plot, and the garden is often in the shade. My neighbor spoke very well about Peremoga tomatoes. I tried to plant them, and all expectations were met.I can not visit the cottage daily, and I watered tomatoes every 3 days. This did not harm the plants. Harvest still turned out good. From a small garden bed for the season, it turned out to collect enough fruit. This is much better than the varieties I have grown in past seasons. Now I will plant only Peremogu. I recommend it to anyone who wants to get a good harvest of delicious tomatoes.
  2. Nina Alexandrovna, 51 years old: I want to talk about my experience in growing Peremoga tomatoes in my garden. I have long been aware of this variety, and every year I choose it. I like that the plants are unpretentious. They grow well in open beds. If it is cool in the summer and the temperature jumps, this does not affect the plants. It is only necessary a couple of times a week to water the bushes and loosen the soil. I always collect at least 2.5 kg from each plant per season.

All these reviews indicate that the Peremoga variety gives good harvests, and the fruits have wonderful taste.

Video: Peremoga tomatoes

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