Tomato Pink Impression - description and description of the variety

Among tomatoes of early ripeness there are a lot of hybrids. The task of breeders is to breed species with different indicators, so the work is ongoing. New products appear every year, but do not forget about reliable varieties proven over the years, such as Tomat Pink Impression F1 and its related varieties.

Tomato Pink Impression

Pink miracle

Varieties of tomatoes of various colors appeared a long time ago, the sight of lemon, bright orange and almost black fruits on the bushes became familiar. But Pink Impression has a surprisingly delicate pink color, which adds to its attractiveness in the eyes of gardeners. However, he earned universal love for technical specifications. The hybrid was developed by Japanese scientists almost 10 years ago, the main task was early maturity and resistance to typical diseases of plants of the nightshade family. The result pleased and, despite the difference in weather conditions, tomatoes were well acclimatized in almost all agricultural regions of Russia.

The maturity of the first fruits is 80 - 100 days from planting, subject to growing through seedlings in a greenhouse. Trunks and branches have increased elasticity, which allows you to support the weight of spice tomatoes. From 1 bush get 7 - 9 kg. fruits. Height in height is not limited. Cases of up to 2.5 m are recorded. With good watering and timely top dressing.

Important: the plant needs a garter, additional fixation under each ovary brush is desirable.

The fruits are pale pink with a small green spot at the stalk, rounded, weight 180 - 260 g. Blossoming and ovary are friendly, in the brush there are 4 to 7 fruits. High sugar content gives a sweet dessert flavor. The peel is quite dense, which ensures a long shelf life after harvest.

Positive features of the hybrid

Marking F 1 indicates artificial origin obtained by crossing varieties with the necessary characteristics. Have to buy seeds every year. Assembled on their own, the next year they lose the necessary properties, presenting unexpected and not always pleasant surprises. But this is the only drawback that is completely lost against the background of advantages:

  1. Quick ripening on 90 days.
  2. High productivity from 1 bush.
  3. Unpretentiousness to the soil.
  4. Disease resistance.
  5. Good tolerance of short-term frosts and strong winds.
  6. Possibility of transportation over long distances without loss of fruit quality.

It is necessary to add friendly germination of seeds and quick adaptation to conditions when planting in open ground.

The subtleties of growing

The time for planting seeds for seedlings varies from mid-March to the first of April, depending on the region. The soil mixture is prepared from equal proportions of peat, sand and garden soil, a slight addition of ash is allowed. The planting depth is 1.5 - 2 cm, after sowing the boxes must be covered with film or glass to maintain the level of humidity. It is removed after the appearance of sprouts.

In order not to dive seedlings, it is more convenient to immediately sow seeds in peat cups. The yield of the hybrid is very good, so there is no need to plant a bed with a large number of bushes. The optimal density is 3-4 plants per 1 sq.m.

It should be noted: the bushes are highly branched, even with regular pinching, so the distance to neighboring plants must be calculated with a margin.

Formation is carried out in 2 stems, the lower and yellowed leaves are removed. If you need to get larger fruits, leave 4 - 5 brushes with ovaries.

For successful cultivation and plentiful fruiting, regular watering is required 1-2 times a week at the rate of 4-6 liters of water per 1 bush. In open ground, seedlings are planted after hardening for 2 weeks. Choosing a landing should be well-lit beds, preferably protected from the wind. Garter can be done on individual pegs or on a trellis.

Due to the color of the pulp, juice and tomato paste are not made from this variety, but the fruits are perfect for whole preservation, making lecho and sauces.

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