Tomato Plyushkin F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Not all tomatoes are suitable for cultivation in regions with a short summer and few sunny days. An excellent discovery for many gardeners will be the variety "Plyushkin F1." An early and hardy look is suitable for many agronomists who want to grow tasty tomatoes in a short period of time.

Tomato Plyushkin F1


The size of the bush reaches 70 cm. The average amount of foliage is light green. During the season, you can collect 4 kg of juicy red fruits. It tolerates open ground in warm regions and shelter in the form of greenhouses and hotbeds in cooler places. Fruits ripen 98 days after hatching of all seeds.


Round and smooth vegetables of bright red color have a slight ribbing at the stem, rich sweet and sour taste. They reach an average weight of 100 - 125 g. They have a dense internal consistency, covered with elastic skin on top.

Tomatoes are stored for a long time after harvesting unripe. Transport well in heat. Indoors, the shelf life exceeds 45 days.


This hybrid is officially registered in the State Register. Has excellent data. He became a favorite variety among professionals and summer residents. Ripens quickly from the moment of sowing. The simultaneous formation of ovaries and ripening of fruits on almost all bushes.

It tolerates diseases of TMV and fusarium. It has high taste. The formation of ovaries and ripening of fruits occurs regardless of sunny days. In cloudy and cloudy weather, the ovaries are also well formed. Rapid ripening of fruits does not have time to catch such a common disease in tomatoes as late blight.


It is important to approach the top dressing of this variety. Plyushkin is very sensitive to a large number of fertilizers containing nitrogen. He loves mineral supplements. Organic fertilizers should not be added to the year of planting: humus, peat and manure should be discarded.

Sow tomato in the second half of March. Plant transplantation into the soil is carried out after complete thawing of the soil. In each well, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate should be added and sprinkled with a little earth. The plant is formed into two stems, the remaining formations in the form of stepsons are removed.

Tomato cultivation Plyushkin F1

It is important to timely carry out the garter of the whole plant, and after that - brushes with fruits, so that the plant does not break. In the process of growth on the stem, leaves are gradually removed to the place of occurrence of the first inflorescence. This manipulation is carried out to improve the ripening process of tomatoes.

During the season, three times the fertilizing of plants with a mineral complex of fertilizers. For good fruiting of tomatoes, they should be planted in the soil, where carrots, dill, parsley or legumes were previously grown. Tomatoes should not be planted in the ground, where there used to be potatoes, peppers and zucchini.

After harvesting the tomatoes in the autumn, the bushes are removed. For the rest of the earth it is good to plant oats, rye or mustard in the winter. Dig in the spring beds with the appearance of inputs of planted seeds.

Diseases and Pests

Plyushkin has good immunity to many common diseases in tomatoes. Early ripening makes it possible to avoid infection with late blight.

In a drought, whiteflies, spiders and ticks are activated. It is necessary to treat the soil and tops with industrial insecticides. You can carry out the treatment with a soap solution, as well as a solution containing hot pepper.


  1. It is important to make timely watering, it is better to use the drip method.
  2. Protect plants by covering with film during heavy rains and hail.
  3. Reduce fertilizer application with a high nitrogen content.
  4. When growing indoors in greenhouses, carry out daily ventilation of plants.
  5. It is necessary to mulch the soil, adding sawdust and dry grass to it.
  6. Spraying with stimulants is carried out for the formation of ovaries and good ripening of the crop.

Opinions of summer residents

Many gardeners are happy to recommend the Plyushkin variety for cultivation, both for industrial purposes and in personal plots. Everyone notes the good taste of tomato, a long storage time and vegetable transportability, the ability to ripen in warm and shaded rooms. However, not everyone likes a thick and dense peel. This variety is well used in pickling.

Choosing the Plyushkin variety will allow agronomists to grow an excellent variety - it is to the liking of many tomato lovers. Good characteristics of this species will help in obtaining a large crop in a fairly short time.

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