Tomato Fairy Gift - Description and Description of the Variety

Variety tomato Gift fairies registered in 2008. Breeders have achieved high taste, thanks to which these tomatoes have gained great popularity.

Tomato Fairy Gift

Grade Features

Tomato Fairy Gift belongs to the determinant varieties and ripens in a short time - 95 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Summer residents note a high yield - from 1 meter square they harvest up to 9.3 kg of ripe tomatoes, the weight of each of which is 90-110 g, which indicates the small size of the berries. The fruits are distinguished by a bright, orange color, a core shape and a good, sweet taste. In addition, the flesh of this berry is saturated with beta-carotene, which has a positive effect on the human body.

Fairy gift - a universal plant that is able to successfully grow and bear fruit both in open ground and in the greenhouse. Gardeners note a high level of resistance to common diseases and pests.

Mistresses use ripened fruits for preparing preparations for the winter, hot dishes and salads.

Important! The tomato variety Fairy Gift is not a hybrid variety, which allows growers to independently collect seeds for the next sowing.

Germination Features

Agronomists recommend starting seed germination in the second half of the first spring month. Seeds are placed in containers filled with soil mixture, left in a warm, bright room and provide moderate, regular watering.

Experienced summer residents note that when growing seedlings, special attention should be paid to the creation of soil mixtures. Its composition should include the following components:

  • humus;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • sawdust;
  • woody hall;
  • mineral fertilizers.

Young bushes of the Fairy Gift need a pick, which should be carried out after the appearance of the second real leaf.

After 2 months, the bushes grow 7 real leaves and are ready for transplantation in the garden. Agronomists recommend planting young bushes between May and June. The middle of May is a favorable period for transplanting into open ground, and the beginning of June is for planting in a greenhouse. When planning the location of bushes on the site, you should adhere to the 50 × 40 cm scheme.

Plant formation

The height of the bushes does not exceed 1-1.1 m, however, the Fairy Gift variety is characterized by an abundant ovary, which is the reason for the need to form a plant and tie it to a support.

Tomato Formation Fairy Gift

Experienced vegetable growers recommend growing a bush in 2-3 stems. The remaining shoots must be cut off. Thanks to pruning, the maximum number of ovary brushes does not exceed 6 pieces, and the plant does not spend energy on the development of a large number of stepsons and empty flowers.

It is forbidden to plant tomatoes on beds after plants such as:

  • potatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • physalis.

In addition, planting a tomato on a single bed for 2 years will impede their growth and normal development.

Watering a plant

Fairy Gift is a moisture-loving variety. For active growth and good fruiting, it is necessary to provide the plant with regular, plentiful watering.

Watering Tomatoes Fairy Gift

Experienced summer residents note that the variety tolerates well short periods of lack of sufficient moisture. Agronomists advise to gradually return to normal watering, after a dry period. Otherwise, the risk of cracking tomatoes increases.

Common diseases

One of the features of the Fairy Gift variety is its resistance to a number of diseases, including:

  • verticillosis;
  • Fusarium wilt of the plant;
  • tobacco mosaic virus.

Despite good immunity, agronomists recommend a series of preventive measures that protect the plant from harmful microorganisms and insects:

  1. Seed disinfection. Prevents the development of harmful microorganisms and the death of shoots.
  2. Disinfection of soil before transplanting young plants. Processing beds before planting ensures the death of dangerous parasites.
  3. Correct crop rotation.
  4. Timely weed removal. Weeds are able to oxidize the soil, which is dangerous for tomatoes.
  5. Regular loosening of the soil. Loosening the soil prevents the development of dangerous microorganisms.


The variety is characterized by the simultaneous ripening of the fruit. Unripe tomatoes have a light shade of green, ripened are painted in a saturated, orange color.

When growing a tomato Fairy Gift in a greenhouse, the yield reaches 9.3 kg per 1 square meter. Bushes growing in open ground give fewer fruits.

Variety Fairy Gift can be found in many suburban areas. Its popularity among experienced and novice gardeners is growing every year due to its resistance to dangerous diseases and a good harvest.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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