Tomato Fully - description and characteristics of the variety

The promising name of tomatoes Fully speaks for itself: this variety has long been loved by Russian gardeners for a plentiful harvest. These tomatoes ripen perfectly both in greenhouses and in the open field, giving rise to berries with excellent taste and are universal in use.

Tomato Full

Brief description of the variety

Fully is a tomato of indeterminate type - its bushes are quite high, rise up to a level of 1.5 meters. The variety belongs to the standard tomatoes, it has not very strong roots, but there is a strong thick stem that can independently stop its growth in height. The stems of a plant usually have many leaves and short internodes. Branches of moderate length, leaves of bright green color, small size. The lower brush is laid at the level of the 6th or 7th sheet, other brushes are located up the trunk with an interval of 2 sheets. Simple type tomato inflorescences, each containing up to 7 fruits.

The tomato is mid-season, from the appearance of seedlings to ripening the fruit, 115-120 days pass. The variety is famous for its high yield; from one square meter of planting, you can collect up to 13 kg of tomatoes.

Fetal characteristics

Tomatoes Fully distinguished by a beautiful bright intense red color. They are quite large, the average weight ranges from 100 to 200 grams. The shape of the fruit is round, even. Tomatoes of this variety are known for their delicate and aromatic flesh with a wonderful rich taste and aroma. The skin is smooth and dense, not subject to cracking. Tomatoes have excellent keeping quality, they can be easily stored and transported without loss.


The culinary use of these tomatoes is very diverse. Their taste makes it possible to successfully use them fresh in summer salads and as part of many vegetable dishes. But also, tomato varieties are suitable for canning, they make excellent juices, tomato paste and vegetable mixtures.

Features of agricultural technology

Tomatoes Fully grown seedlings. Seeds begin to germinate for seedlings 60-65 days before planting on the beds. They are sown in early March to a depth of 1.5 cm in pots or containers with nutritious soil, for which garden soil with sand, fertilized with humus or peat, is well suited. For the successful development of seedlings, it is advisable to use growth stimulants (for example, ash solution), and antiviral and antifungal treatment is also required before sowing seeds. After the first loops appear, it is recommended to lower the temperature in the room for up to a week. In the future, the temperature is maintained at 22-25 degrees during the day and 18-20 degrees at night.

Features agronomic tomato Totally

To grow seedlings, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil in containers and follow the watering schedule. You can cover the plantings with plastic wrap to provide seedlings with warm and moist growing conditions.

Plants require extended daylight hours, which can be achieved using fluorescent lamps. When the first true leaf appears, the tomatoes require picking - they are transplanted into a larger container. Approximately 2 weeks before planting, the seedlings are hardened so that it can better adapt to a new place of growth.

Tomatoes Fully designed for growing in greenhouses, but in the central and southern regions of the country they can grow on open ground. Since the bushes of the variety are quite tall, no more than 3-4 bushes are planted per square meter of plantation.Before planting seedlings, beds should be disinfected - solutions of copper sulfate or bleach are suitable for this.

The variety does not need any special care, but its beds and greenhouses should be placed in sunny areas, since these tomatoes require good lighting for development. They also need loosening the soil for aeration of the root system, systematic watering and top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers at least three times per season.

For the proper development of tomatoes, plants must be stepson, forming bushes in 1-2 stems. The weak point of the standard varieties of tomatoes is a weak root system, so the tomatoes of the variety Fully must be tied up using trellises or greenhouse construction elements. A positive effect on plants is mulching the soil with sawdust or hay, which retain moisture in the soil and hamper the growth of weeds. Also, the variety requires careful protection from pests.

The opinion of gardeners

Variety Fully fully enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners of our country. Survey respondents note that it provides such a high yield that it fully lives up to its name, both when grown in greenhouses and in open beds. Many note the excellent taste and elegant appearance of the fruit, the ease of their conservation.

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