Tomato Polonaise F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato varieties "Polonaise F1" is a hybrid intended primarily for cultivation in the southern regions. It ripens in the early stages and belongs to the determinant type.

Tomato Polonaise F1

The difference between southern hybrids

The main feature, the “highlight” of hybrids bred for cultivation in the southern parts of the country, is an incredible amount of bright green foliage that covers the entire bush. The green “shovel” protects the fruits of tomatoes from the scorching hot southern sun. In this regard, the harvest of southern hybrids ripens a little longer than the northern "brethren". 4.5 to 5 months is a good time for the south, as the summer here lasts much longer. The fruits have time to ripen during the season.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The variety was obtained by breeders from Holland. Ideal conditions for growing are conditions in the south of Russia. In other regions, you can grow Polonaise tomatoes exclusively in closed ground.

Adult plants have erect stems, they are powerful, strong, strong. In open ground, they reach a height of up to 85 cm, and in greenhouse conditions they are able to achieve greater growth - up to 1 meter. Since the plants are of a determinant type, stepsoning is not carried out, and garter to the supports is necessary only in greenhouse conditions.

The fruits of the Polonaise tomato are round, smooth, even, with a dull surface. No ribbing. Ripe tomatoes have a bright red color. The peel is dense, easy to clean if necessary.

The mass of ripened tomato reaches 200 grams. Inside contains from 4 to 6 chambers with seeds. Taste is simply excellent. Thanks to this, the fruits are good for individual cuts, salads. Suitable for canning, creating sauces, pastes.

The variety is considered ultra, that is, very early. So, from the time of the appearance of the first shoots to the appearance of tomatoes, no more than 2.5 months pass. The yield is high: from one adult bush they collect up to 5 kg, and in the greenhouse the yield reaches even 8 kg!

The variety has excellent immunity, like many other hybrids. He is not afraid of any diseases characteristic of vegetable crops, as well as pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The variety has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

Grade Tomatoes Polonaise F1

  1. Ultrafast ripening of fruits, while they ripen at one time.
  2. Resistance to pests, diseases.
  3. Very high yield.
  4. Excellent presentation, which is preserved during long transport.
  5. All seeds have guaranteed germination.
  6. Since the bushes are of a determinant type, they do not need supports and garter, as well as pinching.

Regarding the shortcomings, we can only mention that in open soil conditions the variety can be grown only in the south of the country. In the middle and northern strip - only in closed ground.

The advantages are clearly superior to the "dubious" disadvantages, so the variety has become widespread among many vegetable growers. Despite his “youth”, many have already appreciated it, which is the best recommendation as opposed to all the advantages and disadvantages.

Cultivation and care

Growing tomatoes Polonaise F1
Variety of tomatoes "Polonaise" is grown using purchased seedlings. Harvested seeds from the beds are unlikely to germinate, as this is a hybrid. To avoid this situation, it is worthwhile to purchase seeds in special departments or order in the online store.

  1. Seeds are planted in pre-prepared containers. The soil should be enriched with humus. A depth of 1.5 cm is sufficient.Planted seeds moisturize, cover the containers with film. When two leaves appear, they pick.
  2. During planting at a constant place of growth, it is required to observe the distance between plants. On 1 m2 can accommodate 3 plants, no more.
  3. Tomatoes require moderate watering and lighting. Watering is best done in the morning or evening. Be sure to loosen the soil so that the roots can "breathe". Removing weeds will also help plants form properly.
  4. The introduction of complex fertilizers is necessary several times a season. The first feeding is carried out after planting, the rest - during flowering and budding.

Tomato variety Polonaise is an excellent choice for a beginner grower and a grower with experience. It has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Suitable for fresh consumption, for freshly squeezed juices. In addition, it can be used for canning. The vegetable makes excellent tomato paste and sauces. Try to grow this variety and taste delicious fruits!

Video: F1 polonaise tomatoes

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