Tomato Striped Flight - Description and Characteristics of the Variety

There is a rather high demand for a tomato variety. Striped flight. It is planted by both experienced gardeners and beginners in vegetable growing. Everyone wants to grow not ordinary tomatoes for pickling, but tasty unusual fruits. To achieve this result, a variety of tomato Striped flight will help.

Tomato Striped Flight

Characteristic features of the culture

Tomatoes Striped voyages are highly productive. The seeds of this variety of tomatoes have a fairly good percentage of germination - about 70%. The appearance of the fruit is interesting, you can even say unusual, which fully corresponds to the name of the variety.

For such a culture, a characteristic feature is a restriction in growth, i.e. it is a determinant plant whose bushes are of medium height. The variety needs a garter. The procedure is carried out in the same way as in other varieties of tomatoes. Bushes are tied to a support. Ripe tomatoes reach about 40 grams by weight, the branch is simply covered with fruits. The bunch can consist of 30 pieces. Outwardly, tomatoes look beautiful, their burgundy color is diluted with green stripes.

Taste qualities, like the appearance, are peculiar, have a sweet and sour taste. Gardeners loved this culture for its unpretentiousness in the care and cultivation. A large crop can be harvested both in the greenhouse and from an open garden. Another original property of this plant is that the fruits do not fall to the ground.

The tomato has a dense and elastic flesh. Ideal for salads, delicious in salted and pickled form. For salting, you can collect unripe, green fruits, the taste of this will not change.

Growing conditions

Gardeners think about sowing tomato seeds with the advent of spring. To begin with, they are determined with the place of planting of the future seedlings - the sowing time depends on this. If you plan to grow plants in greenhouse conditions, then sowing is carried out in March, in the open ground a month later - in April.

Seeds are sown in a pre-moistened prepared soil to a depth of 1-2 cm. In order to create a greenhouse effect, they are covered with a plastic film. Subject to a temperature of + 25 ° C, seedlings appear after 3 days. Before the appearance of the first true leaflet, 10 days pass from the moment of emergence. In the stage of two or three full-fledged leaves, picking is made, each shoot is planted in separate pots.

For seedlings of the Striped Flight, it is advisable to carry out the hardening procedure 2 weeks before planting. Tomatoes of this variety are planted in the greenhouse in late April or early May, and in the garden bed in June, when it becomes much warmer and the ground is warmed up. Planting scheme - 40 × 60 cm. It must be strictly adhered to, the most dense plantings can affect the amount of yield. For a tomato striped flight, this moment is the only negative, it requires space.

Growing Tomatoes Striped Flight

At the flowering stage, tomato bushes can be fed with a special complex of fertilizers and minerals, which will significantly increase the resistance of plants to diseases, increase yield. In principle, the variety, and without top dressing, has good immunity against diseases, pests, pathogens and fungi. Regular and plentiful watering is a necessary condition for the fruitfulness of tomato. Striped flight.

Many gardeners and gardeners who already cultivated a similar variety of tomato culture, without any difficulty, gathered a rich crop of vegetables, preserved them for the winter.

Gardeners reviews

Most people characterize the tomato Striped flight on the positive side. Of the disadvantages, only one is noticed - the lack of aroma.Here are some of the reviews.

  1. Veronika Fedorovna, 43 years old: There is a great desire to write about a kind of tomato variety that I planted in the last summer season. This is a Striped Flight issued by Gavrish. Tomatoes grew by sight for all, beautiful fruits, with dense skin and elastic flesh. Something like a variety of Cherry. Pickled a lot of cans, such tomatoes - just a godsend.
  2. Lenchik, 29 years old: The description on the package of seeds indicates that the variety is medium-sized, but it turned out a little different. In the greenhouse, where they did not change or fertilize the soil, the bushes grew about 1 meter in height, and in the new greenhouse, with replaced soil, they went up and reached two meters. Seeds are endowed with almost one hundred percent germination. According to the recommendations from the packaging, the culture does not require a pinching process, but I had to cut off the stepsons. She sowed seeds on March 15, and tried the first tomato in July, which corresponds to the characteristics of the variety. The growing season is 110 - 115 days. The only thing I didn’t like about tomatoes was that there was no smell. In the new season of 2019, I will again plant the variety Striped flight.

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