Tomato Polar precocious - description and description

Residents of the northern regions are frankly envious of summer residents of more southern regions, who can grow almost all varieties of vegetables on the market. The north has its own specifics - short summers, few long, sunny days. This often makes it difficult to get a normal crop. But breeders, trying to help the northerners, bred many really good varieties suitable for successful cultivation in local conditions. One of the most famous is the polar early ripe tomato.

Tomato Polar early

Characteristics and features of the variety

A determinant (undersized) cultivar of ultra-early ripening tomato. The plant is powerful, standard type, up to 70 cm high. From planting seeds to the start of harvesting - 99-105 days, fruit ripening is very friendly. Despite the fact that at first the variety was bred exclusively for cultivation in many northern and central regions, it quickly spread throughout the country. The bush is slightly leafy, compact, which allows you to get significantly more sunlight throughout the plant.

The palatability of fruits is high, traditionally tomato, the solids content in the pulp is up to 7%. The skin is strong, elastic, saturated red. The pulp is juicy, tasty and sweet, with a slight pleasant acidity. The tomato is fleshy, dense, inside consists of 7-12 chambers with a small amount of seeds.

Fruits are round in shape, homogeneous, without pronounced ribbing, slightly flattened at the poles. They are of medium-sized size, weighing from 100-120 grams, but with suitable agricultural technology can pour up to 150 grams.

Tomatoes have a universal purpose. They are successfully used for making salads, eating fresh, selling fresh vegetables on the markets. And also due to the good structure and small size of the fruit, they are ideal for preservation and all types of processing. They make delicious caviar, sauces, tomato paste, various ketchups.

Grade Strengths

  1. Stable fruiting under adverse weather conditions, in dry or rainy periods.
  2. Undemanding to agricultural technology and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.
  3. Steadily maintain short cooling.
  4. The ability to tie fruit in stressful situations.
  5. Good productivity throughout the season, 4-5 kg ​​from 1 kg / sq.m.
  6. With competent agricultural technology and in the conditions of protected ground, the Polar precocious is able to increase productivity almost by half - up to 7-8 kg / sq.m.
  7. High productivity when growing both seedling and seedling method.
  8. The first fruit brush is tied after the growth of 7 leaves, subsequent brushes every 2.
  9. Excellent performance and portability, suitable for transportation over long distances.
  10. Fruits have good ripening ability. Tomatoes harvested in green can be stored for up to a month under suitable conditions.
  11. Resistance to diseases, in particular to the tobacco mosaic virus, as well as brown spotting.

Secrets to Successfully Growing Varieties

  1. To maintain high yields and to avoid bush thickening, stepson removal is required.
  2. For cultivation in the southern regions, placement in the shade and remotely from higher and leafy tomatoes is desirable. Under the direct rays of the scorching sun, a tomato will quickly begin to age.
  3. Before planting, it is advisable for the seeds to undergo stratification at a temperature of 0 -2C degrees.It consists in placing seeds in a refrigerator or taking them out to the street, where they are hardened during the day.
  4. When planting in a seedlingless manner, tomatoes are strongly recommended to be grown under cover material (agrofibre, spanbond, lutrasil). You can remove the shelter when the threat of frost passes and the plants get stronger.
  5. Scheme: planting 35x50 cm, the number of plants 6-9 pcs. per sq. meter.
  6. Despite the resistance of the tomato to various negative factors, it is advisable to carry out 1-2 preventive treatments against diseases and pests.
  7. The introduction of organic matter into the soil and the regular provision of macro- and microelements in the quantity needed for tomatoes.

Despite all the advantages, the variety, unfortunately, is losing to new hybrids in many respects.

Reviews of gardeners about the variety

  1. Julia Savina, 34 years old: I planted Polar precocious and I. Strong baby bushes have grown. I liked that you can grow it completely without supports and garters. The variety quickly and amicably gave the whole crop. Tomatoes, though not large, are beautiful and tasty. And they ate and prepared for the future. In my conditions, he showed himself well, and this is a big plus for the Siberians.
  2. Alexander Evstafiev, 40 years old: I decided to try the classics and trust our zoned variety. And did not regret it. In the greenhouse, the tomatoes felt good, very early in bearing fruit. Of the obvious advantages, he noted that this grade needs minimal care. No need to spend a lot of time and effort on the constant removal of stepsons, eternal garters, trimmings. In general, satisfied!

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