Tomato Burning heart - description and characteristics grade

Variety of tomato Flaming heart has long been loved by gardeners. The fruits are pink and taste great. In addition, to obtain seed material yourself is not difficult.

Tomato Burning Heart

Grade characteristics

The burning heart was bred by Altai breeders. It is entered in the State Register of plants. The variety is designed for growing in open ground and under temporary shelter, belongs to indeterminate plants and reaches 1.8 m in height. The tops are characterized by a saturated, green color, and for the fruits - raspberry.

Tomatoes are medium early. From the moment of the appearance of the first seedlings to the harvest no more than 100 days pass. Productivity grade Flaming heart is not bad - up to 6.4 kg per 1 square meter.

Note! The plant needs the formation of a bush and garter to the support.

Fruit characterization

The fruits of tomato Flaming heart are distinguished by high taste characteristics and pink and raspberry color. The berries are shaped like a heart. The skin of tomatoes is dense, weak ribbing of the surface of the fetus is noted. The pulp is fleshy and very juicy.

Agronomists note that the composition of the fruits of this variety includes a large amount of lycopene, ascorbic acid and sugars.

The weight of the fruits of the first harvest reaches 240 g, the subsequent ones become smaller. For the entire growth period, up to 3 kg of berries are collected from the bush. Summer residents note that tomatoes of the Flaming Heart variety tolerate transportation well, preserving the appearance and taste characteristics. However, the shelf life of the fruit is small - no more than 1 week in the refrigerator.

Taste characteristics of this grade are very high. When using fresh tomato, a sweet, dessert taste is felt. Mistresses use the fruits for harvesting juices and whole tomatoes for the winter, preparing salads.

Summer residents note that tomatoes grown in open ground have a good aroma and taste.

Growing Features

Growing Tomatoes A flaming heart begins with the preliminary germination of seeds. Primary disinfection and treatment with biostimulants is carried out in the case of self-collection of planting material.

Features of growing tomatoes Flaming heart

  1. Germination is recommended to start 2 months before the planned planting at a constant place of growth. Seeds are laid in containers with nutrient soil, covered with a layer of peat on top, the thickness of which should be no more than 1 cm. To increase the percentage of germination, it is recommended to place containers with seeds in a warm, bright room. At the same time, daylight hours should be 16 hours, which can be achieved by illuminating with ultraviolet lamps.
  2. Experienced summer residents recommend constantly monitoring soil moisture, observing moderate watering and adding additional organic fertilizers.
  3. A young plant needs a pick, which should be carried out after the appearance of 2 true leaves.
  4. Soil on the ridge is being prepared since autumn. It should be dug up, breaking earth clods and laying organic fertilizer.
  5. Before transplanting seedlings into the ground, young bushes should be hardened. Agronomists recommend starting the hardening process 10 days before planting tomatoes on the bed. For this, the plants are taken out daily, increasing the residence time.
  6. Agronomists recommend shading a young plant within 3-4 days after transplanting into open ground to prevent burns on the leaves and death of seedlings.

Care Features

Compliance with the rules for caring for tomatoes. A flaming heart guarantees the proper development of the plant and good fruiting. Bushes need:

Tomato Care Features Burning Heart

  • moderate watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weed removal;
  • the introduction of organic fertilizers;
  • timely collection of ripened fruits.

Experienced summer residents recommend pulsating the soil using straw and foliage. This will ensure an even distribution of moisture and prevent the development of weeds.

Follow the rules for plant care - get abundant flowering and a good harvest.

The opinion of gardeners

Tomato Flaming Heart has become one of the favorite varieties of gardeners. Summer residents note:

  1. High yield.
  2. Attractive appearance of the fruit.
  3. Good taste.
  4. Fruits tolerate transportation well without losing their presentation.
  5. Keep good taste when canning.

However, the low keeping quality of the fruits upsets most gardeners. Tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days, which leads to the need to quickly consume or process the resulting crop.

Tomatoes A flaming heart can be found in many suburban areas. Despite minor flaws, the variety is in great demand, which is increasing every year.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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