Tomato Raja - description and characteristics of the variety

Today there are many varieties that can be planted in open ground in the northern latitudes, and they will grow well there. A representative of this type of variety is Raja. The tomato was bred by Russian breeders and has a particular advantage - this is early ripening.

Tomato Raja

Fruit characterization

Raja tomatoes are quite large in size. The fruits are oval in shape, weighing about 300 g, their color is dark red. They have a sweet taste and juicy pulp, almost no seeds. Tomatoes are delicious, which is not typical for an early variety. Fruits can be used as an ingredient in salads, sauces, as well as for conservation.

Gardeners speak about the variety exclusively on the positive side. 5 to 7 tomatoes usually ripen on one brush. The fruits are red and look very nice on the bushes. Tomatoes are not susceptible to cracking, but watering should not be neglected. For transportation, average fitness. They can ripen if picked green.

Culture Description

Bushes of the Raja variety are of a semi-determinant type. The fruits have time to ripen in three months, so they can be grown in the northern Russian climate. Tomatoes are intended for planting in open ground, but also in greenhouse conditions they will develop well.

The height of the bushes is from 100 to 150 cm, they are quite sprawling. Tomatoes need shaping. From one bush you can get from 3 to 4 kg of fruit.


Fungal diseases do not pose a particular danger to tomatoes; preventive treatment with fungicides is usually not carried out. The resistance of tomatoes to late blight is not yet studied.

Growing Features

For growing seedlings, the classical method is used. 60 days before the seeds are planted in the soil, they need to be sown in boxes with peat mix. When 2-3 leaves appear, it is necessary to dive plants into separate containers. Landing is carried out during normal weather conditions. After planting, it is necessary to irrigate the seedlings using root formation stimulants. This will help to strengthen the root system, which, in turn, will positively affect the formation of plants, will allow you to get a high yield.

Between the rows should be at least 60 cm, with an interval in the rows of 40 cm. For 1 square. m. it is not recommended to plant more than 3 bushes. It is desirable to water in the evening, a few hours before the sun sets. It is important to water the earth in a moderate mode, not to let it dry, but not to over-moisten it.

Top dressing

Feed the plants as follows. The best option would be to use ready-made fertilizer mixtures. For each individual stage of plant development, you need to use fertilizers with different contents of a particular substance. For example, during a period of active growth, you need to increase the concentration of nitrogen. When a tomato blooms, it needs more phosphorus, and when the fruits are already beginning to develop, potassium is needed. If potassium is lacking, then the ripening period of the fruits may be delayed and their quality will suffer.

From time to time, you can feed tomatoes with calcium nitrate, but in no case mix it with other substances. Also, do not forget about planned watering.

Bush formation

Raja Tomato Bush Formation
Despite the fact that the variety belongs to semi-determinants, it must be stepsoned and tied, as there may be a large number of ovaries that have arisen, but the tomatoes may not have time to ripen. You need to form in 2 trunks.Extra stepchildren must be removed. With the appearance of 5-7 brushes with fruits, you need to pinch the plants and remove the crown.

Due to the high level of productivity, it is necessary to tie tomatoes on a trellis or on strong stakes. This procedure must be started within 14 days after planting, until the tomatoes “lie down” on the ground. Checking the growth of bushes is done at least once a week.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Raja has an excellent characteristic and a large number of advantages:

  1. Earlier ripening;
  2. Excellent quality tomatoes;
  3. The fruits are very beautiful;
  4. High level of productivity;
  5. Resistance to most diseases;
  6. It can be grown both in closed and in open ground.

There are some disadvantages:

  • Tomatoes need pinching and pinching.
  • high-quality garter is needed.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Ksenia, 29 years old: I have been growing tomatoes for several years and I am very pleased with them. The fruits are large, tasty, fleshy. I do not like the exactingness of this culture for tying.
  2. Lisa Ivirova, 33 years old: My children love this tomato variety, I also find them delicious. I will still buy seeds for the next season. Growing is considered standard, or anything complicated.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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