Tomato Rally F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

The Rally tomato variety is a hybrid and has short ripening times. Both greenhouse conditions and outdoor growth will be ideal. Most of all, this variety is suitable for the southern regions and the center of the country. In the middle lane, it is recommended to grow in greenhouses.

Tomato Rally F1

Description and characteristics of the variety

  1. The variety ripens in record early terms, already 60 days after the emergence of seedlings, full-fledged tomatoes appear. This is the most suitable option for those who want to get a quick, high-quality crop. In addition, this property distinguishes among other varieties for cultivation for sale.
  2. The bushes belong to the indeterminate type of plants, therefore, mandatory garter to the supports, as well as timely pinching (removal of excess processes) are required. An adult bush is able to grow up to 60 - 75 cm in height.
  3. The variety has gorgeous leafy. Leaves of unusual green color with an emerald shade. Shoots are very strong, strong, powerful.
  4. The first fruits begin to form after 4 to 5 leaves. The ovaries are combined into inflorescences from brushes. From 5 to 6 tomatoes are formed on each.
  5. The fruits themselves look very appetizing: bright, saturated red, rounded, slightly flattened shape. The pulp is juicy and quite dense. Each fruit contains from 5 to 6 chambers with seeds. An adult tomato is able to reach a maximum mass of 300 grams. The average weight is 250 grams, which is also not bad.

Productivity and application

As a rule, tomatoes ripen by mid-June. However, in fact, the harvest is carried out in mid-July. From 1 m2 in open land, it is realistic to get up to 8 kg of a full crop. In a greenhouse, the yield indicator is much higher - up to 12 kg!

The peculiarity of tomatoes of this variety is that after collection they should be eaten immediately. It is better to eat fresh. Fruits are not subject to preservation, including due to the large size of tomatoes.

The peel of the fruit is strong enough to withstand external influences, keeping the fruit intact, without damage.

Disease immunity

The advantage of the variety is its excellent resistance to pests and diseases. In particular, the variety is not subject to defeat:

  • nematode;
  • late blight;
  • rot;
  • brown spotting;
  • and many others.

In part, such resistance to pests, viruses, fungi is the reason for the high yield of the variety. This is common to many hybrids.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rally has its own strengths and weaknesses. The advantages include:

Advantages and disadvantages of tomatoes Rally F1

  1. Super early ripening tomato.
  2. Great taste, juicy pulp.
  3. High immunity.
  4. The possibility of obtaining a guaranteed, large crop every season.
  5. The ability to carry transportation over long distances.
  6. Resistance to damage, maintaining an attractive appearance for buyers.

Among the disadvantages:

  • mandatory garter;
  • conducting stepsonovka.

Among the "relative" disadvantages it should be noted the inability to use for canning. For those who prefer to eat ripe fruit - this is not a minus. And for lovers of freshly squeezed tomato juice, this variety is perfectly suited.

Cultivation and care

In general, the variety is grown in the same way as the other varieties - using the seedling method.When planting, it should be borne in mind what vegetable crops grew at this place before. The most suitable are:

  • carrot;
  • cauliflower;
  • greens;
  • cucumbers.

By planting future tomatoes in the place of growth of the above crops, you can be sure that the soil is perfect for a new crop.

Basic care includes:

  1. Timely and sufficient soil moisture.
  2. The introduction of nutrients, fertilizing.
  3. Removing weeds, grass.
  4. Regular loosening of the soil so that the roots can receive the right amount of oxygen, and the plant develops correctly;
    conducting stepsonovka.
  5. Garter future bushes to supports to keep branches intact under the weight of ripening fruits.

The opinion of gardeners about the variety

In general, grade reviews are positive. He has already established himself, having won the trust of many vegetable growers. Some, for example, have been growing a variety for more than one year. All converge in a high, guaranteed tomato yield, quick ripening (and seedlings, including), ease of care, non-capricious varieties.

"Rally" will be a good start to gain experience novice growers. Despite the need for garter, herding, growing it is quite easy and simple.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps

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