Tomato Richie F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

It is quite difficult for gardeners who live in the central and northern regions of the country to choose a suitable tomato variety for cultivation in open ground. Ritchie is a hybrid group with an early ripening period, and it is ideal for growing in such areas. The variety is characterized by high productivity and unpretentiousness to climatic conditions. Tomatoes are great for all types of canning and eating raw.

Tomato Richie F1

History of creation

Variety Richie F1 was bred by Dutch breeders in 2000. Tomatoes are recommended to be grown under film shelter. The variety was entered in the state register in 2010. Despite the fact that he is very young, he immediately gained immense popularity both among ordinary summer residents and among farmers engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes on an industrial scale. Some gardening enthusiasts grow this variety on the balcony.

Grade characteristics

Low-growing bushes reach a height of 50 to 70 cm. Ripening of fruits begins 90-105 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. The shape of the fruits is round, with full ripening, the tomatoes acquire a red color. The average weight of one fruit varies from 130 to 140 grams. The pulp is dense and juicy, the skin is durable. Ripe tomatoes are not prone to cracking. Due to this, they are well stored fresh, and are suitable for transportation to other regions.

Tomatoes are quite resistant to fungal infections. Only the Colorado potato beetle can pose a threat.

Despite the fact that the bushes are stunted, experts recommend that they be tied to a support, and carry out pinching. From one bush collect from 1.5 to 2 kg of ripe fruit.

Cultivating varieties

Planting a tomato is carried out by the seedling method. Before sowing, prepare the soil. To do this, the earth is mixed with peat or humus. In a prepared container with soil, seeds are laid to a depth of 1-2 cm. In order to protect future plants from the occurrence of fungal infections and pests, the earth should be calcined in the oven or spilled with boiling water. The container with seeds is covered with a film, and placed in a warm, well-lit place.

If the seeds sprout too densely, then as soon as 2-4 leaves are formed on the seedlings, they need to be dived. Landing on open ground or in a greenhouse occurs in prepared holes. 7-8 plants should be placed on 1 square meter. Soil should be fertilized with mineral fertilizers. After planting, it is recommended to mulch the ground under the seedlings with straw or rotted sawdust. This will allow maintaining normal heat transfer in the soil. Plants, as they grow, need to be tied to a wooden or metal support, and also to monitor the removal of stepsons.

Grade Care

Care for the tomato variety Richie F1
Watering should be carried out only on the roots of the bushes. It is necessary to water no more than 1 time per week with warm, settled water. If water will fall on the stems and leaves, then the likelihood of their decay increases.

Removing stepsons will help to get healthier and better tomatoes. Food should not be spent on unnecessary branches and leaves.

Despite the good resistance of the variety to diseases, it is recommended to take preventive measures: loosen the soil, destroy weed grass, and also introduce complex fertilizers.

When buying seeds, the instructions indicate insufficiently high yield of the variety. Reviews gardeners say the opposite. Those people who cultivate the Richie variety characterize it only on the positive side; everyone notes a high yield and excellent taste.


  1. Raisa Maksimovna, 62 years old: I like tomatoes very much, so I always grow several varieties in my greenhouse. I have been growing the Richie variety for the third year. The yield is high, the fruits are very good, not large, not small. Tomatoes are great for canning and pickling whole tomatoes. Children and grandchildren adore my ketchup and lecho from this variety. I recommend gardeners to pay attention to the variety Richie.
  2. Valentina D., 55 years old: I like to grow tomatoes with early ripening. For several years in a row I planted a Richie variety. I am satisfied with everything, tomatoes are suitable for harvesting, can be consumed fresh, the care is quite simple. The bushes are small, but require garter. Juicy tomatoes are suitable for making high-quality tomato juice. My family especially loves lecho and ketchup from homemade tomatoes. I have not bought these products in the store for several years. The most important thing is not to forget to fertilize and water.

Video: F1 Richie Tomatoes

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