Tomato Rosemary - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes have long won many square meters in most suburban areas. Almost all growers grow one or another variety. There are also special lovers who grow this culture even in an apartment. For this period of time, many new varieties have been created, with excellent characteristics. “Rosemary” refers specifically to such hybrids. Bred by Russian breeders. Tomatoes are popular due to their characteristics.

Tomato Rosemary

The main characteristics of the variety

Rosemary tomatoes are best grown in greenhouse conditions or in a greenhouse. However, in southern areas, where it is often warm, you can grow in open ground.


  1. Belongs to the varieties of the indeterminate type, it requires tying, as growth is not limited and an adult plant can grow too tall.
  2. The fruit ripening period is average - up to 4 months, starting from the very initial seedling for seedlings.
  3. The variety is a tall shrub, up to 1 m 80 cm in height.
  4. A huge number of leaves, the bush looks lush.
  5. The leaves are elongated, sophisticated, have a dark green color.
  6. The root system has many branches.
  7. The stems of an adult plant are powerful, strong.
  8. High yield - over 8 kg per 1 m2.
  9. The inflorescence is ordinary, has a simple structure.
  10. The first inflorescence begins to form after the 10th leaf.
  11. Good immunity, is not exposed to a number of diseases characteristic of tomatoes. For example, fusarium wilting, defeat by the tobacco mosaic virus and so on.
  12. Undemanding in leaving.
  13. The fruits are mostly large.
  14. Short shelf life.
  15. Not suitable for transportation, transportation.

Rosemary tomatoes are best suited for fresh consumption and preferably immediately after harvest. They contain many useful vitamins and minerals.

Fruit Description

The fruits of the Rosemary variety have a slightly flattened circle shape. They have a nice pink color. In general, the surface of the fetus is flat. There is also a slight ribbing. Individual tomatoes can reach very large sizes, up to 15 cm in diameter and weighing 1 kg. These are one of the largest tomatoes.

Rosemary Tomatoes

The fruits are fleshy, with an average dry matter content. They have an amazing aroma and sweet-sour taste. The peel of ripe tomatoes is thin, which is why they can easily be damaged by external influences. Inside contains 6 chambers with seeds.

Important! Variety "Rosemary" is ideal for feeding young children, for diet. They will be useful to those who have problems with the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

From ripe fruits, you can make fresh slices, add to light salads. Separately, it is worth noting the healthy and tasty tomato juice, which is obtained from the fruits of this variety. Not suitable for cooking marinades, pickles, canning.

Cultivating and caring for bushes

The variety is grown using seedlings, like other varieties. Determining the timing of planting seeds for seedlings is an individual matter and depends on climatic conditions. In general, seeds are planted between March and April.

After the appearance of several true green leaves, the seeds dive. From this moment, before landing on a permanent place of growth, approximately 60 days pass. Before planting in open ground, it is recommended that the seedlings be hardened so that the plants better adapt to new growth conditions. No more than three bushes are placed on 1 m2.

The care is ordinary and includes simple procedures, such as:

  1. Watering at room temperature, preferably in the evening, every 5 days.
  2. After watering, the soil is loosened so that it does not compact. The roots should receive enough air.
  3. The introduction of complex nutrition.
  4. Mandatory garter and stepsoning.
  5. The list of care procedures is simple and familiar to every grower. For a summer resident with experience to grow a variety of "Rosemary" is not difficult.

"Rosemary" is a good variety that has already established itself with its productivity, quality, taste of fruits, as well as unpretentiousness in care.

Grade Reviews

Svetlana, 59 years old: Variety "Rosemary" attracted with its appearance, as well as with positive reviews of those who had already grown it in their summer cottage. I decided to try it too. Allocated 2 m2 for plants. Grew with seedlings, acquired seeds in a specialized department. Seedlings amazingly “hatch”, although I did not use any stimulants. I looked after, as described, followed all the recommendations. The harvest was excellent: up to 10 kg!

Video: Rosemary Tomatoes

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