Tomato Pink heart - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes The Pink Heart is a subspecies of the Bull Heart variety. The fruits are pink in color. The variety "Pink Heart" was bred by Russian breeders in the early 21st century.

Tomato Pink Heart

Recommended growing areas

When planting, you need to take into account the characteristics of the variety. In southern Russia, planting should be done in open ground, closer to the center, seedlings should be grown in greenhouse conditions. In northern latitudes, it is recommended to plant tomatoes only in heated greenhouses.

What do bushes and fruits look like?

The variety is mid-early. From the time of planting seedlings in the soil until the harvest of tomatoes usually takes about 3-3.5 months. Bushes of tomatoes indeterminate. Since tomatoes are unlimited in growth, after the tomatoes are tied, it is necessary to make a garter and pinching. Bushes can grow up to 160 -180 cm, in the southern latitudes plants grow about 200 cm. The fruits of tomatoes are quite large in size, the foliage has a dark green color.

The tomato has a heart-shaped pink color. The first deaths are usually more weight than subsequent ones. Initially, tomatoes have a mass of 400 - 450 grams, and subsequent oud fruits have a weight of about 300 grams. Tomatoes contain about 5% solids. The pulp is quite fleshy, dense with a very sweet taste, not susceptible to cracking.

Tomatoes have many useful properties. Since the fruits contain vitamins B1, B6, C and a large amount of sugar, they are allowed for use by people who have problems with the stomach or intestines.

Application methods

Tomatoes are not suitable for preservation, as they are large enough and will not fit in a jar. It is recommended to make salting in barrels. Also, tomatoes can be consumed fresh, as they have excellent taste. Due to their high palatability, tomatoes are often used in the preparation of juices and mashed potatoes.

What crop can be harvested

From 2.5 to 3 kg of fruits ripen on one bush. On one square meter, it is necessary to plant 2-3 plants. From 1 square meter, you can collect up to 9 kg of tomatoes. This is considered a low yield for fruits of this size.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The list of benefits:

Pink Heart Tomatoes

  1. The variety is resistant to diseases such as leaf spotting, tobacco mosaic virus and macrosporiosis.
  2. The pulp of tomatoes is quite fleshy, has a sweet taste.


  1. Not very high productivity.
  2. Bushes need careful leaving.
  3. Tomatoes can not lie for a long time, they do not tolerate transportation, so it is not recommended to grow them on an industrial scale.
  4. Weak branches that cannot withstand heavy tomatoes.

How to plant

In March, seeds must already be sown in boxes. After the seeds are scattered on the ground, you need to sprinkle a layer of one centimeter of the composition of peat and chernozem. After that it is necessary to irrigate with warm water and cover with a film. Boxes should be in a place where the air temperature is at least 25 ° C.

How to Plant Pink Heart Tomatoes

At the moment when the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to remove the film and put them into the light. The first 7 days it is necessary that the temperature be at the level of 15 - 16 ° C, a little later than 20 - 25 ° C. When the seedlings grow up and they have two real leaves - they need to dive.

The nuances of agricultural technology

Planting seedlings should be done after 2 months. By this time, the bushes should already have 6-7 real leaves and one flower brush.It is necessary to choose a fertile, light soil, in which there should be a sufficient amount of nutrients. Organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for feeding. Top dressing should be done every 14 days.

In addition, you need to regularly water the plants, timely to stepchild and remove weeds. Spraying the bushes is carried out with the help of special preparations that protect tomatoes from diseases and harmful insects.

The bushes need a garter, as they are quite tall. Under the branches it is necessary to lay supports. This is necessary so that the bushes do not bend under the weight of their own fruits. It is necessary to form in one or two stems, the extra stepsons should be removed.

Diseases and Pests

Tomatoes are quite resistant to fungal viruses. But they are not immune from the appearance of brown rot. If this situation arose, then it is necessary to remove the diseased tomatoes from the bush. You also need to stop making nitrogen, and spray the bushes with Hom.

According to the reviews of experienced gardeners, when gourd aphids or scoops appear on the bushes, it is necessary to spray the plants with the Zubr preparation. Also, against the scoop, you can use the drug "Arrow".

This variety requires increased attention and care. It must be carefully looked after - watered, fed. Therefore, the variety is recommended for gardeners who have experience in growing tomatoes.

Video: Pink Heart Tomatoes

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