Tomato Pink helmet - description and characteristics of the variety

"Pink helmet" is a semi-determinant variety of tomatoes. It can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

Tomato Pink Helmet

Variety Information: Cultivation

  1. The average height of the plant is 2 meters. Such tomatoes must be tied to a support. The stepsoning should be carried out until the first flower brush appears. The bush must be formed in 3 stems.
  2. The ideal period for sowing seedlings is the beginning of April. 2 months after sowing, you can plant tomatoes in the ground. They should first be treated with potassium permanganate.
  3. Seeds should be placed in a container with soil to a depth of not more than a centimeter. The soil must be compacted and watered using a sprayer. To create a greenhouse effect, the container should be covered with a film (it must be removed when the seeds hatch).
  4. When cultivating, it is necessary to observe the lighting regime. To prolong daylight hours, you can use fluorescent lamps. When the first true leaves are formed, seedlings should be placed in separate containers.
  5. To plant a plant in a permanent place, it is recommended to use a peat pot.
  6. For the seeds to germinate, a temperature of +25 degrees is necessary.
  7. A maximum of 4 plants can be planted per square meter of land.
  8. The first fruits appear in early July.


Recommendations for the care of this variety are as follows:

  1. Tomatoes should be regularly watered with warm water (it is recommended to do this before sunset).
  2. Weeds should be removed promptly.
  3. To fertilize tomatoes, you need to use mineral fertilizers.
  4. Tomatoes need processing to be protected from pests.
  5. Lower leaves should be removed. For one approach, it is recommended to remove a maximum of 3 leaves so that the plant does not experience stress provoking a slowdown in growth.
  6. Stepsons begin to grow when the first peduncle appears. You can leave a flower brush on it, and you need to pinch the shoot, leaving 3 leaves. To make the bulk of the tomatoes ripen earlier, you can leave one brush on the stepson.
  7. In order for the crop to ripen evenly, at least 5 brushes should be left when removing the stepsons.


This tomato variety is considered high. If you create favorable conditions, the bushes can grow up to 2 meters. The stems are thick and flexible. With a gust of wind, they bend, but do not break. The foliage of such tomatoes is green and medium thick. It not only does not burden the tomato bush, but also well protects the fruits from exposure to rain and sunlight.

Pink Helmet Varieties

The average yield is 8 kilograms per bush. Fruits can be stored for a long time. So you can make a large supply of tomatoes for the winter.

On one bunch there are on average 4 tomatoes. The weight of one fruit is 200 grams. In their shape, the fruits resemble a knight's helmet. That is why they got such a name.

The shade of tomatoes depends on the fertilizer applied to the soil and climatic conditions. It can range from bright red to pinkish. The coloring of tomatoes is uniform. There are no green spots near the stalk.

Fruit application

The skin of tomatoes is glossy and thin. When the fetus is broken, it quickly breaks. If you cut a tomato, the peel will retain its shape, and will not leak juice. Gourmets note the pleasant taste of fruits and a pronounced aroma. They can be eaten fresh or made from them juice or ketchup.

For canning, it is best to use small fruits. Also for the winter, you can cut tomatoes into small slices and freeze.Thawed fruits will retain not only their taste, but also their smell and shape.

Main advantages

Among the advantages of the variety it is worth highlighting:

  1. Good tying.
  2. Resistance to apical rot and fusarium - thanks to the early formation, the plant manages to grow stronger until the infection is activated.

The disadvantages of the variety are not identified by specialists.


Verify the benefits of such fruits will help user reviews. Here is some of them.

  1. Olga P., 28 years old: I liked that the fruits of such tomatoes are large and tasty. To gardeners who decided to grow them, I advise you to try not to produce 3 stems, but 3 plants per hole.
  2. Nadezhda Viktorovna, 50 years old: When I first grew such a tomato, I planted it in a greenhouse. I was glad that these tomatoes are large-fruited, and also give a large crop. Next year, I would like to try to drive such a tomato not in 3, but in 2 stems.
  3. Tanya, 33 years old: As an experienced gardener, I managed to try many varieties of tomatoes, however, I decided to stay on the Pink Helmet variety: a friend shared the seeds of such tomatoes. There are a lot of tomatoes on one bush. They taste good.

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