Tomato Pink Dream F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

View Pink dream - one of the most popular among experienced gardeners. Great support Pink Dream is used among residents of southern regions and territories with a temperate climate. The original is issued by the Russian company Semko-Junior. The hybrid combines many advantages, due to which it is popular among gardeners in our country.

Tomato Pink Dream F1

General information about tomato Pink dream

  1. This variety is enriched with a large number of vitamins.
  2. Pink dream is an early ripe species, from planting to harvesting takes from 90 to 100 days.
  3. The variety is indeterminate, standard.
  4. The fruits of pink sleep are great.
  5. The plant itself has a high growth, some stems reach a height of 2 m.
  6. Grade Pink dream high-yielding. Subject to all the rules of growing from a bush for a season, you can collect up to 7 kilograms of tomato.
  7. A small amount of foliage grows on the plant. The variety perfectly sets fruit. The first inflorescence can be seen at the level of 9-11 leaves.
  8. Each brush can form up to 6 fruits.
  9. The Pink Dream variety has good resistance to nightshade diseases.
  10. Tomato fruits easily tolerate transportation, in addition, they are stored for a long time, while not losing their appearance and useful vitamins.

For cultivation in the southern territories, open ground is well suited. For areas with a temperate climate, it is recommended to plant Pink Dream in soil with a greenhouse effect or in greenhouses.

Characteristics of the appearance of a tomato Pink dream

The fruit is characterized by a pink color. Tomatoes have a classic ball shape. The size of the fruit is quite large, the weight of the fruit can be 250 grams. Tomatoes have a sweet taste. The fleshy pulp has a dense structure. The fruits are multi-chamber. The structure of tomatoes is smooth.

According to experienced gardeners, Pink Dream tomatoes are great for fresh vegetable salads, combined with other vegetables. Delicious fresh. In addition, this variety is readily used for the preparation of various sauces, juices and soups. But it is worth noting that the Pink Dream variety is not suitable for preservation and pickling.

Growing recommendations

Tomatoes Pink dream, like all nightshade, it is better to plant seedlings. To prepare for planting, mid-spring is a good fit. To get high-quality seedlings, you need to follow a few rules:

Growing Tomatoes Pink Dream F1

  1. Seeds should be planted to a depth of 1-2 cm so that they have a good shoot.
  2. After planting the seeds, the container must be covered with a film until the first sprouts appear.
  3. Seedling irrigation should be done from a small sprayer.
  4. In the room where the seedlings are located, the temperature should not drop below the border of 21 degrees.
  5. After the appearance of the sprouts, they should be divided into separate containers.
  6. Lighting over seedlings should be organized - at least 16 hours.
  7. Watering for seedlings should be regular.
  8. An important point is that no less than 7 days before disembarking at a permanent place, it is necessary to carry out the hardening procedure!

Plants should not grow close together. Recommended density: per 1 square meter should be no more than 3 bushes. The scheme for planting is recommended as follows: between the rows you need to withstand 70 cm, and between plants - 40 cm.

From the general recommendations, it should be recalled that a tomato needs regular watering, top dressing with mineral fertilizers in the complex, in addition, regular cultivation and removal of weeds.

Many gardeners leave positive reviews about the variety Pink Dream. Vegetable growers noted that the ripening of fruits occurs quickly, and plants do not require particularly careful care.The variety has a high yield and excellent taste.


  1. Anna V., 37 years old: Last season, the seeds of Pink Dream caught my eye, it was decided to try to plant in open ground. Followed all the recommendations. Got good seedlings, almost all seeds sprouted. They planted it in the ground, after feeding it. On cold nights, they covered it with film, but sometimes. After 95 days, the first crop was harvested. The tomatoes themselves are tasty, juicy, a lot of pulp. Children ate directly from the bush. They tried to pickle, it didn’t work out, all the fruits sprawled, so they used a different variety for harvesting for the winter. In principle, they were satisfied. I recommend.
  2. Lena, 30 years old: I like to experiment with various new varieties or hybrids of tomatoes. For the last time, Pink Dream planted in a greenhouse. All season were with lots of tomatoes. Very tasty is the tomato juice from this variety. I would like to note that I have never seen even a sick leaf or any pest on the bushes. I recommend for landing.

Video: Pink Dream F1 Tomatoes

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