Tomato Ruslan - description and characteristics of the variety

Fans of growing tomatoes often plant different varieties in the garden. Tomato Ruslan is popular due to its high resistance to diseases and unpretentiousness to the climate. In order to grow a rich harvest and healthy fruits, you must follow the rules of agricultural cultivation of the variety. Tomatoes bear fruit well under film cover and in open beds in the garden.

Tomato Ruslan

Grade description

Bushes of plants reach a height of 1.7 meters. Ovaries are formed by brushes, 3-5 fruits in each. The ripening period begins in 105-120 days after the appearance of sprouts.

The shape of the fruits is round, with full ripening, the tomatoes acquire a yellow or orange color. The weight of one tomato varies from 300 to 400 grams. The pulp is dense and juicy, with a section 6-7 seed chambers are observed. The skin is strong, not prone to cracking. Due to this, tomatoes are stored fresh for a long time and are suitable for transportation over long distances.

From 1 square meter, you can collect from 15 to 20 kg of ripe tomatoes.

Landing, diving and care

Sowing seeds is recommended approximately 2 months before planting seedlings in a permanent place. Land for sowing can be purchased in a specialized store. If the soil is taken from the garden, then it must be mixed with nutritional supplements. Peat and humus are suitable for this. To destroy harmful insects and dangerous fungi, the soil must be calcined at high temperature or poured with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The sowing tank should be kept in a warm and well-lit place. Diving is carried out at the phase of the appearance of 2-4 leaves. Individual pots with crops 2 weeks before planting in the soil should be hardened. Every day, seedlings are taken outside, gradually adding time to stay in the fresh air. Landing is carried out in prepared holes. 3 seedlings should be placed on 1 square meter. Before planting, complex fertilizers must be added to each well. Be sure to tie up the plants, and break off the stepsons. Such events will help to get a higher yield.

The quality and quantity of the collected fruits will depend on how to care for the tomatoes. Bushes should be fed several times per season. It is important to do this during the flowering period and during the ripening phase of tomatoes. Watering is recommended to be carried out in the evening with warm, settled water about 1 time per week. Variety Ruslan tolerates drought well enough, but in order to achieve better harvesting results, the simplest care rules should be followed.

Waterlogging the soil is not recommended, the roots of the bushes may begin to rot. If you water the bushes with cold water, then the development of plants slows down. Timely loosening of the soil and the destruction of weed grass will favorably affect the growth and development of plants.

The use of tomatoes

Ruslan variety tomatoes
Ruslan tomatoes are great for salads. Yellow shades of fruits do not allow you to make high-quality juice from them or to cook tomato paste. But, among summer residents and gardeners are lovers of original blanks. So, the variety is popular. Large-fruited tomatoes are not suitable for canning in general, so many cut them into halves or slices.

Disease and pest resistance

The variety is quite resistant to diseases such as:

  • Tobacco mosaic.
  • Fusarium
  • Black spotting.

Despite a good immunity to diseases, for prophylactic purposes, bushes can be sprayed with special drugs.

Gardeners and farmers respond positively to the taste of the fruit. Mid-season variety is great for fresh consumption and can be stored for a long time. Ruslan yellow tomatoes are a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Anastasia Sergeevna, 52 years old: I really like the Ruslan variety for its unusual color and excellent taste. You can collect fruits until the frost. My family loves salads from fresh tomatoes, and from tomatoes Ruslan. The bushes grow very tall, the stems are strong and powerful. This requires breaking off extra branches and leaves. I always water with warm water. Harvested is always happy. From 1 square meter I can collect up to 20 kg of ripe tomatoes.
  2. Sergey Ivanovich, 48 years old: My neighbor in the country recommended planting yellow Ruslan tomatoes. I liked the high yield of the variety and the unusual color. Of course, we did not make tomato blanks; for this, my wife and I grow red varieties. But fresh salads were eaten until winter. I advise everyone to try these delicious tomatoes.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps

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