Tomato Ryabchik - description and characteristics of the variety

Some gardeners prefer to grow undersized tomato varieties in their greenhouse areas. Therefore, attention should be paid to Ryabchik tomato, large fruits ripen on its low bush.

Tomato Grouse


Grouse tomatoes are determinant; as it grows, it forms no more than five branches. The very first appears after the formation of six full leaves. After the fifth shoot, the crop stops growing.

The fruits ripen not late, the plant belongs to mid-ripening varieties. After the emergence of seedlings before the first harvest, a little more than 3 months pass, more precisely - about 115 days. The stepsoning procedure should be carried out, but not often. The culture reaches a height of at least 60 cm, and a maximum of 75 cm.

The appearance of the vegetable is peculiar, tomatoes are flattened on both sides. Their skin is red, divided into yellow strips of yellow. Thanks to this color and appearance, tomatoes resemble apples.

Ripe fruits reach a weight of 300 grams. The yield of this variety is good, a fairly large amount of tomato is collected for the season. Under good weather conditions and with proper care, up to 6 pieces of tomatoes are formed on a branch. They ripen in almost all at the same time. Due to this property, the fruits are not susceptible to late blight and are not susceptible to cracking, which is an undoubted advantage of the culture.

You can grow both in greenhouse conditions and in the garden. Since this variety has large fruits, they are not used for salting. Tomatoes are suitable for salads, tomato juice can be processed from them.

Care Features

Variety Ryabchik does not require any specific care other than other tomato crops. For good growth, plant development and obtaining a rich harvest - a number of rules should be observed:

  1. Seeds for seedlings are sown in pre-prepared soil 2 months before the intended planting in a greenhouse or open ground. Sowing dates must be observed. Otherwise, the bushes of seedlings at the time of planting are very elongated, the crop will be in small quantities. After sowing, the container is closed with polyethylene, which must be periodically opened so that the earth does not mold, and the seedlings do not deteriorate. A week after the appearance of the first sprouts, the temperature in the room is maintained from + 15 ° C to + 18 ° C. After another 7 days, the temperature regime rises, is set at + 22 ° C.
  2. After the formation of two or three full-fledged leaves in young shoots, a picking procedure is performed and each bush is planted in a separate container. At the stage of the appearance of five leaves, experienced gardeners advise making another transplant in order to improve the root system of the plant to form lateral roots. This double procedure contributes to the fertility of the culture.
  3. Variety Ryabchik is not too picky about moisture, but despite this, watering the plants must be done regularly. Severe drought in the greenhouse or in the garden will lead to a change in the appearance and taste of the fruit. After watering, the crop requires loosening the soil.
  4. During the growing season, tomatoes need to be fed. As fertilizer use a solution of chicken manure and manure. You can fertilize with compost. Top dressing is carried out 3 or 4 times.

Gardeners reviews

Vera, 41 years old: This year for the first time planted a large-fruited tomato variety Ryabchik. The declared mass is more than 200 grams. I must say right away that I did not receive a large tomato. There are several reasons, and it's all my fault, and not because it is a bad variety.First of all, I didn’t set myself the goal of getting huge tomatoes. Secondly, due to my inexperience, I did not feed them enough, only once during the growing season, and at least three are necessary. Thirdly, did not shorten the branches. They were so good, powerful. I felt sorry for them, in the literal sense of the word. Fourth, did not stepchild. The bush must be formed, grown only in two stems, and the top should be removed no later than mid-August. As a result, the fruits were about 100 grams in weight.

In principle, the impression of this variety is positive, a fairly high yield. If you count, it turns out that 5-6 brushes grow, they have about the same amount of tomato. The plant has two stems. We take fruits weighing 100 grams, we consider: 100x5x5x2 = 5 kg from the bush. I have 24 plants in the greenhouse. Total 120 kg. A good harvest, even if I did not follow the rules of care. And if you fed as expected?

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