Tomato Rowan beads - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato farmers constantly want to try new varieties and appreciate other tastes. One of the interesting varieties is, reminiscent of the famous cherry ampoule tomatoes Rowan beads, which can be grown not only in summer cottages, but also at home - in flower pots and drawers on the balcony.

Tomato Rowan Beads


It belongs to the determinate varieties, which means - the bushes are low. They have characteristic signs:

  1. Height is from 50 to 80 centimeters.
  2. The stems are durable.
  3. On a branch up to a dozen fruitful brushes.
  4. Each cluster has a large number of berries - up to 25 pieces.
  5. Brushes are formed often - every two or three leaves.

How the fruits look, their taste

  1. The average weight of a tomato is from 15 to 25 grams.
  2. The skin color is scarlet.
  3. The peel is thin, smooth.
  4. The pulp has a fragrant smell, sweet and sour and juicy.

The peculiarity of tomatoes of this variety is that they grow by brushes, like grapes. As a rule, ripening occurs simultaneously - after 85-90 days, therefore, tomatoes of this species are classified as early varieties.

Growing rules

There are no special rules for growing this plant, the main thing here is to take good care of it. Rowan beads are grown by the seedling method.

Growing seedlings
Seeds are sown 60-65 days before planting in the ground. Pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate to prevent the development of diseases and give future plants strength. The owner himself decides, based on the characteristics of a particular region, when to plant tomatoes. Before the seedlings sprout, it is kept for about 7-10 days covered with a plastic film. After this period, the film is removed, and the boxes are placed on the window closer to the light.

8-10 days before transplanting to a permanent place, young seedlings are hardened. To do this, they are taken out in the sun and kept there for 20-30 minutes until full daylight hours, each time increasing the time.

As already mentioned, basically this variety is grown at home, on balconies. Consequently, they are also planted there. You can buy ready-made soil for landing, but many do it on their own. In order for the soil to turn out to be of high quality, it must consist in equal proportions of:

  • humus;
  • medium sand;
  • land from the garden
  • ash from burning wood.

6 or 7 plants are planted per 1 square meter, formed in 1-2 stems. Pasynkovka is not absolutely necessary, they are allowed to neglect, but if the stepchildren are cut off, then they will stop wasting power and energy, the plant will give all the vital juices to the fruits. So, they will become larger and more massive. Since there are a large number of tomatoes in the brush, it suffers from a serious load. And so that the bushes do not break, it is recommended to tie them to the supports.

How to grow a crop
In order for planted seeds to please healthy bushes with a plentiful harvest, it is necessary to perform several mandatory actions, namely:

Varieties of Tomatoes Rowan Beads

  1. Timely water the planting. Watering is best done in the evening after sunset, using well-maintained warm water.
  2. Weed. From time to time, the ground where the bushes are planted needs to be weeded. This will remove weeds that interfere with crop development and take away food and water for tomatoes.
  3. Loosen and spud. These procedures will allow oxygen to flow to the roots of the plant, and provide good growth and health.
    Mulch. To preserve moisture and prevent the appearance of weed grass, put mulch.
  4. Feed the plants. In order for tomatoes to receive the elements and materials required for growth and development, they should be fed 2-3 times per season. Organic fertilizers (manure, litter, ash) and artificial phosphate-mineral fertilizers are used as top dressing.

Rowan beads and diseases

Unfortunately, these delicious beautiful tomatoes have absolutely no immunity. Therefore, they can easily get all the diseases that pursue stepsons. To prevent this from happening, one should not only treat the seeds, as mentioned above, but also treat the bushes with special preparations that serve as protection against diseases.

How to use tomatoes

Tomatoes Rowan beads are good in appearance and taste. They use berries of all kinds - cut into salads, make soups, and preserve. These tomatoes make good ketchups and juices.

If you plant this variety in special baskets, which are then slightly lifted above the ground, then tomatoes will decorate any area.


Mark, 33 years old: It is easy to grow this variety - there are no problems. The main thing is to water, weed, loosen in time and do not forget to feed. Then the crop will be gorgeous. The only thing is that ripened tomatoes are stored for a very short time, they must be put into business as quickly as possible, otherwise they will deteriorate.

Video: Tomato variety Rowan beads

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