Tomato Garden pearl - description and characteristics of the variety

People for whom working in their summer cottage is an activity for the soul, often plant culture in the vegetable gardens for decoration. The variety, which is called the "Garden Pearl", is considered just that. Very often it is grown for your pleasure, as well as in order to please the kids.

Tomato Garden Pearl

Grade characteristics

Breeders describe Garden Pearl as follows:

  1. The bushes of this vegetable crop have a creeping stalk.
  2. The plant reaches 20-40 centimeters in height, for this reason it does not need to be tied to a support.
  3. The ripening period from the appearance of the first seedlings to the collection of ripe fruit is 85-95 days.
  4. The fruits are dense, have a pleasant taste.
  5. On each brush, 8-10 pink-colored tomatoes are formed.
  6. Tomatoes have a spherical shape, the mass of each of them is 15-20 grams.
  7. The skin of tomatoes does not crack, and the plant itself is unpretentious in care.

Reviews of gardeners who cultivated tomatoes of this variety on their plots indicate that it has a fairly high yield - from each bush you can collect up to 7-10 kilograms. The more fruits are removed from the plant, the longer will be the fruiting period. It should be noted that the variety is demanding on the quality of the soil, as well as lighting.

How to plant and care

It is allowed to grow tomatoes of the Garden pearl variety in open beds, in greenhouse conditions, on balconies in city apartments, in containers for decorating garden plots. Some gardeners plant such tomatoes in baskets that can be easily hung. When the bush grows, its branches go down. Pink tomatoes will decorate any site.

The plant is grown by seedlings. If you plan to grow such tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can transfer the seedlings here in the last days of February. In this case, the first tomatoes will ripen by the end of spring. On open beds to plant seedlings should not be earlier than mid-spring. Before transferring seedlings to a permanent place, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with peat, nitrogen and manure.

It is not necessary to carry out any special events when growing tomatoes of the Garden pearl variety. The plant does not need to be formed. To increase the yield, you can tie the bush to the support. In this case, the ripening tomatoes will not lie on the soil.

It is recommended to avoid frequent watering so that the roots do not rot and the plant does not die. Periodically it is necessary to weed, spud and loosen the beds. The bushes are very compact, up to nine plants can be planted per square meter.

Loosen the soil once or twice a week. This will help to avoid attacks of pest larvae that parasitize on the roots of the bushes. In addition, loosening the soil is necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Loosening provides free penetration of oxygen to the roots of the plant. It is necessary and from time to time to remove weed grass. If this is not done, a third of the crop may die. Weeding is recommended once a week.

If signs of the disease appear on the leaves of the bushes - spraying should be carried out using Fitosporin or any other drug. If aphids or other parasitic insects are found on the plant, it is necessary to use chemical agents to destroy them.

Application area

Garden Pearl Tomatoes
The use of garden pearl tomatoes is very diverse.Using small pink fruits, you can decorate the festive table, prepare fresh vegetable salads from them. In addition, Garden Pearl is well suited for whole-canning. Housewives use such tomatoes for the preparation of tomato juices, ketchups, sauces, pastas and other dishes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Having familiarized with the positive and negative qualities of the variety you like, the gardener will be able to make a final decision whether to grow it on his site or not.

The benefits of the Garden Pearl include the following:

  1. High yield.
  2. Unpretentiousness in leaving.
  3. Good transportable and commercial qualities, long shelf life.
  4. Not a hybrid variety.
  5. The fruits do not crack.
  6. The compact size of the plant allows you to place a large number of bushes, even in a small area.
  7. Used to decorate the garden.

Of the shortcomings, gardeners distinguish only that the variety is demanding on lighting and soil quality.

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