Tomato Samohval - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Samokhval belongs to the nightshade varieties of Siberian agronomy and for a long time has been leading the championship among farmers of vegetable growers. Thanks to social surveys of agronomists, we know exactly what specific characteristics this variety has.

Tomato Samohval

Characteristic Tomato

Samokhval is a hybrid of tomato, which is a rather curious medium-ripe kind of agronomy. According to information provided by competent specialists, the fertile stage of a tomato, starting from the first sprouts of a variety to a ripened fruit, is approximately 100-120 days. By color variety Samohval belongs to the category of yellow-fruited and orange cultures.

Special Characteristic of Samokhval:

  1. Number of fruits - harvesting from one bush exceeds four kilograms.
  2. Fruiting is positive.
  3. Cultivation - the variety is not picky and has a good yield, both in greenhouse conditions, and in greenhouse and open ground.
  4. Immunity - resistant to fungal infection (fruit rot), to viral infection (tomato mosaic), to necrotic bacteria.

The most favorable soil for cultivating the Samohval variety is:

  • Russian territory (excluding the northern part).
  • Ukrainian territory.
  • The territory of Belarus (excluding the northern part).

The variety of this tomato belongs to the undersized classification. On open ground, Samokhval reaches one and a half meters in growth, in greenhouse or greenhouse conditions - no more than 115-120 centimeters. This type of tomato by the number of leaves on the trunk belongs to the middle type. As for the escape formations - refers to a very pronounced form. The leaves of Samokhval are fleshy in dark green. The initial brush with the fetus is formed no lower than the ninth leaf, which is a positive feature. The distance from the crop to the ground is significant, which means that the fruits are not subjected to rapid decay and are protected from small pests. The following brushes with fruits begin to form no earlier than after three sheets. For one fertile brush there are 4-5 pieces of tomato.


Brief description of the fetus:

  1. In shape - fleshy, heart-shaped.
  2. The peel is smooth; stripes in the form of a net rarely form near the legs, for example, like in a melon.
  3. When fully ripened, they acquire a bright yellow, sometimes orange color.
  4. The presence of seeds is not large.
  5. The pulp is tender, sugar.
  6. Smell and taste with the same sugar content.
  7. Such a tomato weighs about 250 grams.

Tomatoes hybrid has a special purpose. Best used fresh and in the form of salads. The versatility of this tomato lies in the fact that it is also well suited for conservation. Pediatricians advise young mothers to use such a variety for their diet and for the baby’s diet. Firstly, sugar substances prevail in it, acids are reduced to a minimum, and secondly, there is no bright red color - this moment is very important for nursing mothers. Also, I advise you to use the fruits of Samokhval for diet food.

Variety breeding methods

Samohval variety tomatoes
Self-praise is distributed among farmers not only for its beneficial properties, but also for its ease of cultivation. There is a certain agricultural technique that must be observed for a good tomato cultivation and a large crop:

  1. Before transplanting seedlings into the soil, the seeds are sown in greenhouse conditions for 60-70 days.
  2. Before sowing seeds, they must undergo a certain treatment with a manganese solution and a growth stimulator.
  3. It is necessary to sow seeds in specially prepared soil scattered in boxes.
  4. Seeds are immersed in the soil to a depth of not less than 2 centimeters.
  5. At the end of sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with soil (it is very important not to tamp the soil) and lightly sprayed with water at room temperature.
  6. The ideal temperature for seedling growth is approximately 24-26 degrees above zero.
  7. After the appearance of the first two leaves, the seedlings are moved into pots with peat filling. Experienced farmers call this picking procedure.
  8. In the period from the moment of sowing seeds to seedlings, Samokhval must be fed with universal fertilizer at least three times.

Planting seedlings can be carried out in two stages:

  1. In greenhouse conditions - mid-May.
  2. In open ground - early June.
  3. The distance between the tomato bushes should not be less than one meter.

Due to the considerable size in height, experienced experts advise after landing to make support for the trunk. And most importantly - do not forget about top dressing varieties.

Tomato self-praise will bear fruit even if, for whatever reason, agricultural technology has not been observed. The only thing that negligent vegetable growing threatens with a smaller amount of the crop and its weight.

Video: Determinant Tomatoes - Formation and Care

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