Tomato Sugar fingers - description and characteristics of the variety

Breeders from Russia presented to the gardeners a unique development - a hybrid tomato variety called Sugar Fingers. It can be grown in any soil, so every garden owner, regardless of experience in growing vegetables, will be able to collect a large crop of fragrant and tasty tomatoes. The cultivation of this tomato is possible in various Russian regions. However, it should be borne in mind that the highest yield is observed when planting in greenhouses.

Tomato Sugar Fingers

Grade characteristics

This variety is listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation and meets all its requirements. The hybrid is considered to be ripe. The ripening period is 90 days from the moment when the first seedlings appeared, until the harvest.

Bushes are determinant, they are independently limited in growth. Usually when grown in film greenhouses, the plant reaches up to 120 centimeters in height. When planting on open beds, the height of the bushes is not more than 60 centimeters. The number of leaves on the bushes is medium, the color is deep green, slightly emerald. About six tomatoes are formed on one brush.

Sugar fingers differ from many varieties of tomatoes in that the structure of the bush is compact, ram-shaped. The plant is formed into two main stems; clusters of small fruits of attractive appearance are located on them.

Crop description

The weight of each fruit is 50-70 grams. Beautiful tomatoes have an elongated shape resembling a cylinder, with a rounding or sharpening at the end.

Ripe tomatoes are as follows:

  1. The color is pink.
  2. The skin is shiny and smooth.
  3. The fruits have a rich "tomato" flavor.
  4. The pulp is dense and juicy.
  5. Tomatoes have excellent taste, the taste can be described as sweet and sugar, even kids like it.
  6. Each fruit contains two chambers, there are few seeds in them.

In addition, tomatoes Sugar fingers have a low calorie content, and also contain a large amount of vitamins, nutrients and starch, so that they can be consumed even by people who are on a diet.


Sugar Finger Tomatoes
This tomato variety has a fairly high yield. When grown in open beds, more than 10 kilograms of ripe tomatoes can be removed from each square meter. If the plant is grown in film greenhouses, the yield indicator will be much higher. In this case, fruiting begins in the second decade of July and continues until the fall. Due to this particularity of the variety, garden owners will be able to enjoy fresh tomatoes with excellent taste characteristics in the summer, and in the autumn months they can preserve and prepare various preparations for the winter.

Positive qualities of the variety

In addition to the excellent taste of tomatoes, which is an indisputable advantage, this variety has an even greater number of positive qualities when compared with other hybrids.

The advantages of the variety are the following:

  1. Cold resistance. The plant bears fruit before the first frost.
  2. Resistance to temperature differences. Due to this quality, the variety can be planted even in the Ural regions, characterized by climate instability.
  3. Undemanding in leaving. The plant does not need any special care. It itself is formed into two stems, it does not need to be pinched, stepsoned. It is resistant to drought and the main diseases of tomatoes.
  4. Good product specifications. Tomatoes are transported without problems and stored for a long time. They do not deform, even if transported over long distances. Due to the long shelf life, you can enjoy delicious tomatoes even before the New Year holidays.
  5. Universality of application. The decorative look of tomatoes will decorate vegetable salads and various preparations. Various dishes and tomato juices are prepared from the fruits.

Gardeners note that tomatoes do not crumble from the bushes, even when overripe. After removing the last ripened fruits in late autumn, you can leave them to ripen in a room where they ripen well. In addition, the variety is resistant to rot, which is also a plus in comparison with other hybrids.

Experienced growers are advised to grow this variety from seedlings. In this case, the bushes will be able to gain a lot of strength. In addition, with such cultivation, the crop can be harvested ahead of schedule.

Video: Sugar fingers

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