Tomato Senior tomato - description and characteristics of the variety

On the land plots of many vegetable growers, tomato has a special place. It is unlikely that you can find a garden that does not have at least a few bushes of this crop. Breeders create more and more new varieties that surpass the previous ones in their characteristics.

Tomato Senior Tomato

Grade "Senior Tomato" is also a new bred variety, otherwise - a hybrid. It should be noted right away that the reviews of vegetable growers about this type of tomato vary significantly: someone praises it, and someone vice versa - declares dubious seed germination, in particular from the Aelita company known to many. Let’s understand the agronomic nuances that will help to grow the culture correctly and collect a good harvest.

Grade characteristics

Variety "Senior Tomato" (there is such a variant of the name - "Signor Tomato") is a relatively young variety, belongs to the indeterminate type. It is a variety with an average ripening fruit. You can get ripe tomatoes only on the 110th - 115th day after the appearance of the first leaves.

The variety is recommended for cultivation only in greenhouse conditions. So, even in the middle zone of the country, in the open ground, he simply will not have time to give a crop.

An adult plant can grow up to 3 meters! Therefore, it is popularly called “liana”. In this regard, the tomato just needs to remove the extra, unnecessary branches. Experienced vegetable growers are advised to grow this variety in a couple - three stems. In this case, the plant does not grow so large.

Each trunk has from 4 to 5 hands with fruits. Brushes have many branches and inflorescences. On one brush plants can form up to 30 pieces of fruit. Moreover, they can be of completely different sizes: small - weighing from 60 to 80 grams, to large, reaching a weight of about 180-200 grams. In general, from one bush you can really get 30 kg of ripe and tasty tomatoes!

The fruits of the variety ripen at one point: some ripen faster, some longer. This is not very convenient when harvesting and can be attributed to the disadvantages of the variety. However, slightly unripe fruits can also be removed from the bush: they easily ripen at home. This will positively affect those fruits that are in the initial stage of growth: they will begin to form, grow faster.

Fruits: type, taste, application

  1. The fruits are quite attractive in appearance. They have a rounded, elongated shape, narrowed to one end. Ripe tomatoes have a rich, red color.
  2. Fruits are subject to cracking during irregular and irregular watering.
  3. Tomatoes contain many chambers inside, the pulp is juicy, fleshy and evenly colored. The peel of the fruit is thin and dense.

Tomatoes of the variety are great for fresh use: like sliced, salad ingredient. From the fruits are obtained magnificent winter preparations. Due to the unusual sweet and sour taste, they are applicable for the preparation of any dishes.

Cultivation and care

Cultivation is carried out by the seedling method. Seeds must be planted two months before the planned planting at a constant place of growth. At the same time, it is important to treat with a solution of potassium permanganate not only the seeds themselves in order to disinfect, the soil should also be subjected to this procedure. It is enough to keep the seeds in solution for 30 to 40 minutes, and then dry thoroughly. After that, they are scattered on prepared soil and sprinkled with a little earth on top. The depth of the seeds is not more than 1.5-2 cm. The containers are covered either with a film or glass, put in a warm place. The temperature should be at least 22 degrees.After "pecking" the seeds - put on a lighted place.

As soon as a pair of full-fledged leaves has appeared, future plantlets can be planted in separate peat pots. It is important not to overmoisten the soil. The grown seedlings dive, and a two-month-old seedling is planted at a constant place of growth.

In water when watering seedlings, it is recommended to add a little potassium permanganate: this eliminates the occurrence of a disease such as a black leg. The ideal temperature for plants is at the level of 16 degrees.

On the 8th day after planting the seedlings at a constant place of growth, the first top dressing (nitroammophos) is introduced, the second top dressing is carried out during the garter of the plants to the supports, after reaching a growth of 20 cm (potassium and phosphorus), and the third 14 days after the second , also - potassium, phosphorus.

In general, the variety is resistant to disease. However, it can be subjected to fusarium, late blight. This can be easily eliminated by observing proper watering while maintaining the required temperature conditions.

"Senior Tomato" is a relatively young variety that has already caused controversy among vegetable growers. To grow it or not is an individual choice of each. If his description interests you, why not give it a try!

Video: a unique way of watering and fertilizing tomatoes

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