Tomato Sir Elian F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

The tomato variety Sir Elian was bred by French breeders more than 20 years ago. During this time, he earned the appreciation of gardeners in many countries, including Russia. This variety is distinguished by outstanding yield and excellent taste of tomatoes.

Tomato Sir Elian F1

Brief description of the variety

Plants of Sir Elian belong to the indeterminate type of tomatoes, its bushes actively grow up and stretch to 1.8 meters. Plants are distinguished by a strong trunk, a very powerful and well-branched root system. Leaves of medium size, dark green hues. Fruits are formed in the form of brushes with 7-9 berries in each.

Fruit characterization

The berries of the variety are distinguished by a very elegant, attractive appearance. They have a plum-like elongated shape: on average, the length reaches 10 cm at 5 cm in diameter. The color of berries is saturated bright red tones. The size of the fruit is average, usually they gain weight in 130 grams, but can grow up to 150 grams.

The tomato peel is glossy, quite strong. The pulp is quite dense, has a pleasant sweet taste with sourness. Sir Elian tomatoes are famous for their excellent keeping quality, which allows them to maintain their presentation for a long time and significantly reduces losses during storage and transportation.


The use of Sir Elian is universal. These tomatoes are an ideal raw material for canned tomatoes. The small size of the berries with a dense skin makes it easy to preserve them whole, and the elegant look gives the workpieces appetizing. These tomatoes can also be harvested dried and dried. They are also good and fresh, as part of summer salads and other vegetable dishes.

Features of agricultural technology

Sir Elian grow tomatoes in seedlings. Germination of seeds for seedlings begins 2 months before the date of the planned planting in a permanent place. Before sowing, the seeds can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, but if they received a preliminary factory treatment, this can not be done.

For sowing tomatoes, it is good to use the earth from the greenhouse, where seedlings will be planted - this will accelerate its adaptation. To create a warm and humid environment, the containers are covered with a film until the first shoots appear. After the formation of the first true leaves, picking is carried out, although this variety allows seedlings to be grown without picking.

After planting tomatoes in the soil, special attention should be paid to the temperature regime of the greenhouse. Bushes of Sir Elian do not tolerate temperature beyond 32 degrees. Also, if the temperature drops to 10-14 degrees, plant productivity will drop sharply. Tomatoes grow best at a temperature of 22-26 degrees, so it is important to organize effective ventilation in the greenhouse and provide access to sunlight. The humidity level in the greenhouse should be at the level of 70%; watering is carried out under the root of the bush with warm water. Fertilizing tomatoes is best done with organic fertilizers every 3-4 weeks. During fruit setting, fertilizers containing boron are especially effective.

Grade tomatoes Sir Elian F1

Powerful stems of tomatoes predetermine their ability to create a dense branched bush. Therefore, plants require constant pinching: the extra shoots that appear in the axils of the leaves are removed and form a bush in 2 stems to ensure access of sunlight to all fruits. The same features of a tomato require the tying of its branches to the supports. Trellises are usually used as supports, but it can also be tied to structural elements of the greenhouse.55-60 days after planting the seedlings at a constant place of growth, the stage of technical maturity of the berries begins. Variety Sir Elian is famous for the fact that the fruits ripen very amicably, which is another plus for the commercial cultivation of these tomatoes.

Sir Elian tomatoes are quite resistant to the main diseases of tomatoes. They cope well with tomato mosaic viruses and spotting, with Fusarium and verticillin wilt. However, plantations need to be inspected regularly to check and remove diseased leaves and plants. It is also advisable to treat plants with complex preparations up to two times a season.

The opinion of experts

Gardeners growing the Sir Elian cultivar note the excellent taste and elegant appearance of tomatoes, which are excellently stored and look great in jars. Survey respondents note that the variety produces a consistently high yield, regardless of the geographic breadth of the growing region.

The cultivar Sir Elian was originally bred for professional farmers and its qualities confirm that the cultivation of these tomatoes for commercial purposes is more than justified. Nevertheless, the high yield, excellent taste qualities of tomatoes, and disease resistance make these tomatoes an excellent acquisition for gardeners as well. lovers.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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