Tomato Heart kiss - description and characteristics of the variety

Variety of tomatoes Heart kiss is one of the most popular types of tomatoes among summer residents, although it appeared relatively recently. This is due not only to good taste characteristics, but also to the unusual appearance of the berries.

Tomato Heart Kiss

Grade Features

It is possible to grow tomatoes A heart kiss in any conditions - both in the open ground and in film constructions. The height of the bush when growing plants in summer cottages does not exceed 0.7 cm, while a greenhouse plant of this variety reaches 1.2 m in height and needs to be tied to a support.

The plant is characterized by a small amount of green tops and inflorescences of the usual form. Tomato brushes look like a bunch.

A heart kiss refers to tomatoes with an average ripening period. Harvesting ripened fruits begins 90 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. The fruits have an unusual, sweet taste and are actively used for the preparation of salads, as well as preparations for the winter.

Agronomists note several major differences that distinguish this variety from the many others:

  1. High yield.
  2. Successful growth and fruiting in regions of risky farming.
  3. Resistance to a number of diseases located leading to the death of the plant.
  4. A large number of tomatoes on the brush of a plant.

Fruit characterization

The fruits of the Heart Kiss variety have a rich red tint and a neat shape that resembles a heart. The berries have a shiny, smooth skin and are not prone to cracking during the ripening period and during heat treatment.

Agronomists note the high yield of the variety, which averages 3.5 kg per bush. At the same time, the weight of each greenhouse tomato is 300 g, which indicates the large size of the berries. A hearty kiss grown in open beds does not boast large sizes, and the appearance of the fruit resembles enlarged cherry tomatoes.

Taste characteristics of berries are high. The sweet taste of berries is due to the high sugar content.

Experienced summer residents note that the last tomato crop may not ripen at the same time. In this case, the fruit is recommended to be placed in a dark, cool place until the moment of complete redness.

Growing Features

Agronomists recommend germinating the seeds of the Heart Kiss in advance. The beginning of the germination process depends on:

Planting Tomato Seeds Heart Kiss

  • The planned time for planting seedlings in the garden.
  • Climatic features of the region.

For absolute germination of seeds, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions:

  1. Stable temperature. The air temperature in the room should not fall below 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.
  2. Regular, moderate watering. Drying of an earthen coma should not be allowed. Water should be irrigated as its top layer dries.
  3. Fertilizer application. For proper development, a young plant needs top dressing with mineral fertilizers and biostimulants.
  4. Good lighting. In case of insufficient natural light, experienced gardeners recommend highlighting young plants using ultraviolet lamps.
  5. Seedlings that have reached 55 days of age can be expressed at a constant place of growth. Typically, a transplant is performed between May and June. Agronomists recommend accustoming young plants to a permanent habitat using the hardening method.
  6. The soil in the garden also requires prior preparation. It should be treated with drugs that can prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Soil features

Tomatoes of the variety Kiss Kiss successfully grows and gives a rich harvest, provided that a large number of trace elements are contained in the soil. The soil should contain:

  • peat;
  • humus or other organic fertilizers;
  • sand;
  • organics;
  • mineral fertilizers.

Care Features

Caring for Tomatoes A heart kiss does not require complex manipulations, but adhering to it gives a guarantee of a good harvest. Adult shrubs of this variety must:

  • Implementation of timely watering.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Timely weed removal.
  • Periodic pinching.
  • The application of organic fertilizers.
  • Tying to a support.
  • Timely collection of ripened fruits.

The Heart Kiss variety has gained its popularity among summer residents who live in different climatic conditions. Its taste characteristics exceed all expectations, the shape of the fruit is surprising, and the harvest and immunity prompts the desire to grow tomatoes on its site.

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