Tomato Northern Beauty - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Northern Beauty is a leader among tomatoes used for canning. Their excellent taste and high level of yield distinguishes the variety from many others and brings it more and more popularity.

Tomato North Beauty

Grade Features

Tomatoes Northern Beauty is an indeterminate, mid-season variety. Bushes of an adult plant reach 1.5 m in height, have bright green foliage of medium size.

Agronomists note the high immunity of the plant. The North Beauty variety is resistant to exposure to pathogens of diseases such as fusarium and TMV. In addition, this tomato variety tolerates dry periods and temperature differences.

Breeders guarantee that this variety is able to grow and bear fruit well in any climatic region. The plant successfully grows and bears fruit both in greenhouse conditions and in open summer cottages.

High crop yields are noted. From 1 square meter, you can collect up to 4.1 kg of ripened fruits, each weighing 60-120 g.

Fruit characterization

The berries of the Northern Beauty are elongated, with a pointed tip characteristic of the variety. Matured tomatoes have a rich, pink color, and unripe ones have a light shade of green with darkening at the base.

From one inflorescence, up to 6 pieces of fruits are formed, which have 6 chambers with seeds. Their flesh has a dense structure.

The taste of the fruit is very high. The sweetness of the pulp distinguishes this variety from many similar ones, and indicates a high sugar content.

Mistresses use Northern Beauty tomatoes to preserve whole fruits, prepare juices, salads, first and second courses.

Growing plants

To achieve a high level of fruiting, it is necessary to observe all the nuances when germinating, transplanting and further care.

The cultivation of the North Beauty variety begins with the germination of seed material. Agronomists recommend starting this process 55 days before the planned transplantation of young plants in the garden. Germination of seeds of the Northern Beauty has its own characteristics:

  1. Seed disinfection. Before planting the seed in a container with soil, it is necessary to carry out their disinfection. To do this, use a weak solution of manganese.
  2. Preparation of capacity and soil. Experienced summer residents are advised to choose separate, small containers. This will facilitate the subsequent process of transplanting seedlings in the garden. It is recommended to choose a nutritious, loose soil.
  3. Sowing. Seeds are placed in containers filled with soil, deepening them no more than 1 cm.
  4. Greenhouse conditions. Experienced gardeners recommend covering the container with foil to achieve the effect of a greenhouse. To prevent moldy soil, the film must be removed periodically.
  5. Pick After the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, seedlings must be dived.

The readiness of seedlings for transplanting to a constant place of growth is indicated by the appearance of 5-6 true leaves. Experienced growers are advised to transplant in the evening or on cloudy days to prevent the occurrence of severe sunburn on the leaves, which can lead to the death of the plant.

Care Features

Tomato Northern Beauty requires special attention to her care and the implementation of some rules:

  1. Regular, moderate watering. It is necessary to irrigate the earth as its top layer dries.
  2. Timely weed removal. Weeds are able to oxidize the soil.In addition, they can become a source of spread of parasites.
  3. Loosening the soil. The loose soil provides free access to air and moisture.
  4. The introduction of fertilizers. For fertilizing tomatoes, mineral or organic fertilizers are used, which are administered according to the instructions.
  5. Treatment with biostimulants. To improve plant growth, it is permissible to use growth biostimulants.
  6. Garter to the support. Bushes of this variety reach 1.5 m in height and need a garter to the support. The vertical position of the plant guarantees its health and proper distribution of nutrients.
  7. Timely harvesting. Matured tomatoes take a lot of power from the plant, which negatively affects its general condition and ability to nourish unripe fruits.

Compliance with the rules of care guarantees not only good fruiting, but also high taste characteristics of the fruit.

The North Beauty variety is widespread throughout Russia and not only. Its features provided popularity among experienced summer residents, and the taste characteristics conquered a lot of people.

Video: North Beauty Tomatoes

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