Tomato Northern Express - description and characteristics of the variety

Breeders from Russia have created a tomato variety adapted for cultivation in cold regions. It is called the Northern Express. The variety is ripe, the ripening period of the crop is 120 days. To harvest a large number of crops, North Express tomato is recommended to be grown in greenhouses.

Tomato North Express

Hybrid Characteristic

The main distinctive features of the tomato of the hybrid variety North Express is that it:

  • resistant to low temperatures;
  • grows well with a lack of lighting.

In addition, this hybrid is highly resistant to diseases characteristic of tomatoes, including the tobacco mosaic virus and cladosporiosis.

Ripening of fruits occurs in unison. The variety is suitable for cultivation in individual garden plots, as well as in small farms that specialize in the production of early ripe vegetable crops.

The plant itself is described by breeders as follows:

  1. Bushes are semi-determinant and semi-spread.
  2. Oblivion is small.
  3. The plant is slightly branched.
  4. The leaves are smooth, medium in size, pale green in color, no stipules.
  5. The inflorescence is simple with a small crease or without it at all.
  6. The first inflorescence is laid over the sixth or seventh leaf.
  7. The formation of subsequent inflorescences is carried out every one to two leaves.

The total size of the plant reaches 120-150 meters. The bush must be tied to a support. Since lateral shoots are actively formed on it, it must be stepsoned.

Crop description

Gardeners who were engaged in the cultivation of tomato varieties of the Northern Express on their sites, note its excellent taste characteristics. Moreover, they do not deteriorate, even if the vegetable crop was grown in low light conditions. Ripe fruits are described as follows:

Varieties of tomatoes Northern Express

  1. Tomatoes have a rounded shape, slightly flattened from the ends.
  2. On average, the weight of each tomato is from 75 to 85 grams.
  3. The skin is glossy, characterized by smoothness, lack of ribbing.
  4. The color is red, the tomatoes are evenly colored, there is no green spot near the stem.
  5. The fruits do not crack.
  6. Each tomato has three to four seed chambers.
  7. Four to five nests with tomatoes are formed on each brush.

The variety of tomatoes Northern Express is hybrid and early ripe. Fruiting begins 120-127 days after the seedlings have ascended. From each square meter, you can collect up to 17 kg of ripe tomatoes. This yield indicator can only be achieved by strictly observing the growing rules.

Growing recommendations

The Northern Express hybrid is perfect for cultivation in the northern regions, as it was for these purposes that it was created by Russian breeders.

Its good development with a lack of light and a rather cool temperature allows you to collect a rich harvest in the rainy summer season, which often happens in the northern regions of the country. The variety is intended for growing in greenhouses. However, in regions with a warm climate, you can plant a plant on open beds.

Growing tomatoes Northern Express

Gardeners who decide to plant tomato of this variety on their plots need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Seeds for seedlings are planted in the second or third decade of March. Previously, the soil into which the seed will be placed must be soaked with hot concentrated manganese solution. This is necessary to enrich the soil with potassium salts and to destroy the pathogens of root rot, often affecting tomato seedlings.Seeds are poured onto the surface of moist soil, sprinkle with a small layer (3-5 mm) of dry soil on top. Cover the containers with foil.
  2. Planting seedlings in a permanent place is carried out 60-65 days after emergence. When placing a plant on the beds, you need to ensure that on each square meter there are no more than three or four bushes.
  3. Bushes need a garter to a vertical support.
  4. During growth, it is recommended to form bushes in one or two stems.

To successfully grow a vegetable crop and obtain a quality crop, the plant should:

  1. Water regularly.
  2. Remove weed grass, especially if cultivation is carried out on open beds.
  3. Loosen the soil when grown in greenhouse conditions.
  4. Fertilize. One week after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, it should be fed with nitrogen mixtures to ensure the growth of green mass. And when the first inflorescence is formed, fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are introduced.

Subject to these recommendations when growing tomato variety North Express, you can collect a large number of crops even in cool and rainy summers.

Video: how often and how much to water tomatoes?

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