Tomato Northern blush - description and characteristics of the variety

Northern blush received by domestic breeders at the beginning of this century. The aim of creating the variety was originally the ability to grow it in harsh climatic conditions. This variety will give a decent harvest in Siberia, the Far East, and the Urals, in the middle zone of Russia.

Tomato Northern Blush

Characteristic and Description

The variety is suitable for growing in different conditions - both open soil and closed ground: in greenhouses, greenhouses. He is not very whimsical to care, able to withstand low temperatures.

"Northern Blush" belongs to the early varieties. Ripe fruits are formed already on the 90th - 100th day after the first green leaves "pecked".

Variety Description:

  1. Belongs to the determinant type, that is, the bushes have limited growth.
  2. The variety is especially resistant to low temperatures at the time of shoot development and ripe fruit formation.
  3. The foliage is average, while the leaves have a pleasant emerald color, they are ordinary in shape and size, the appearance of the foliage is characteristic of the tomato culture.
  4. Flowers are collected in simple and elegant racemose inflorescences.
  5. The first peduncle is already formed at the level of the first leaf, which is extremely unusual.
  6. One bush is covered with an average number of brushes - from 5 to 7.
  7. Shoots have medium immunity, are quite resistant to damage by pests, viruses, bacteria.
  8. Bushes ripen very early - in mid-July, therefore, adult plants are never affected by late blight, so common among tomato crops.
  9. The level of productivity is low. Approximately 6 - 6.5 kg per 1 m2.
  10. Maturing fruits have a rich red color.
  11. All tomatoes ripen in one moment, together, which is very convenient when harvesting.
  12. The weight of a ripe fruit varies from 110 to 120 grams.
  13. Tomatoes are perfect for fresh consumption, “right from the garden”, as well as for canning, pickling.

In general, the variety has good characteristics that make it popular for cultivation, in different conditions.

Cultivation and care

Planting material must be prepared 2 months before the planned landing at a constant place of growth. For the northern regions, landing is planned for late spring.

The variety "Northern Blush" is grown, as a rule, in the amount of 3 stems. This is necessary so that in a short summer all the fruits have time to ripen, and you can get the declared crop.

Northern Blush Tomatoes

Plants require neither pinching, nor pinching, nor pruning, which greatly simplifies maintenance. The density of the foliage is medium, the bushes look attractive and neat without the above procedures. But necessarily required support and garter to them. Adult shoots are not tall: from 0.8 to 0.9 meters. In general, the care for tomatoes is the same as for the rest, other varieties: watering, loosening the soil, weeding, applying fertilizing as indicated on the label of the fertilizer.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages makes it possible to quickly decide on the choice in favor of this variety or choose a different type of tomato for growing. Among the advantages:

  1. Fast ripening of ready-to-eat fruits.
  2. Ripening at one moment, so to speak, "by the whole team."
  3. High degree of resistance to low temperatures, the ability to bear fruit in adverse climatic conditions.
  4. Resistance to a common disease among tomatoes - late blight.
  5. Fairly good yield.
  6. Unpretentious care - unlike many other varieties of tomatoes, this one does not require pinching, pinching, or pruning. You just need to tie the bushes to the supports. The rest is ordinary care.
  7. The ability to consume fruits in any form: both fresh and processed.

Among the shortcomings, we can only mention the susceptibility to diseases other than late blight. With proper care - this can be eliminated.

Grade Reviews

For the most part, you can find positive reviews on this variety of tomatoes on the Internet. They have established themselves not only in areas with adverse climates. They are grown in the suburbs and southern regions. The variety pleases with its productivity, early maturity and versatility in use: it is suitable for fresh salads and for preparing “winter snacks”.

The tomato variety “Northern Blush” is an excellent choice for a vegetable grower in any region of the country. Due to the simplicity in cultivation, undemanding care, a novice farmer can grow it, without experience. Providing tomatoes with proper, proper care, respect - you can safely count on getting tasty, healthy, beautiful fruits. They are suitable for any table.

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