Tomato Siberian giant - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes have always been appreciated by gardeners for their beneficial nutritional properties and versatility. You can cook a wide variety of dishes from them, they are also suitable for preparation and for fresh consumption.

Tomato Siberian Giant

Breeders bred this variety in Siberia, especially for this region. Tomatoes are grown mainly in greenhouse constructions; in warm areas with a temperate climate, they can be planted in open ground. Fruits have a valuable composition of vitamins and minerals. From tomato you get wonderful tomato juice, pasta, ketchup. By observing the rules of planting and care, you can achieve high results in the harvest.

Grade description

Bushes can reach heights of up to 2 meters. The stalk is strong and powerful, the foliage is dense. For maximum fruiting, it is required to form a bush in 1 stem - to tear off excess leaves. The shape of the fetus is round, elongated, ribbing is observed on the sides. The pulp is juicy, the taste of the fruit is sweet. Vegetables grow in huge sizes, the average weight of one tomato is 900 grams. Tomatoes can be yellow, pink or red. The skin is dense, does not crack.

Cultivation agricultural

In order to collect a rich crop of large tomatoes, you need to know how hybrids are grown correctly and what care measures should be taken. Tomatoes cultivated Siberian giant seedling method. Prepared soil should be poured into the container. To do this, the ground from the garden must first be disinfected - calcined in the oven or pour a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After that, organic fertilizers must be added to the ground. Tomato seeds are laid in the ground and covered with glass or film on top. A container with future seedlings should stand in a well-lit warm place. If there is not enough light, use a lamp.

If the sprouts will be planted very densely, then in the phase of 2-4 leaves the plants are dived into separate pots or glasses. Before planting in the soil, seedlings must be hardened. To do this, pots with seedlings must be taken out every day for 2 weeks, gradually adding time to stay in the fresh air. When planting, it is important to maintain the correct distance between adjacent bushes. This is necessary so that the plants receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. Near each seedling, stick a stick to which the bush will be tied.

Crop care

Tomatoes are very fond of fertile soil, so you should not forget about regular fertilizing with complex fertilizers. It is important to feed the bushes immediately after planting, then fertilizers are added during flowering, and the third time you should pay attention to additives during the collection of ripe tomatoes. Tall bushes require tying to established supports and mandatory pinching. So for the fruit, there is enough food for growth and development.

Siberian Giant Tomatoes

Watering plants should not be often, it is recommended to do this once a week with warm water. If the soil is waterlogged, the fruits may be watery, and the root system may begin to rot.

Loosen the earth regularly and carefully so as not to damage the roots. Be sure to remove weed grass, as well as spray the bushes from pests: beetles, slugs, butterflies and Colorado beetles.

If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, then you need to regularly ventilate it. The obtained yield of a variety directly depends on compliance with care measures. The more nutrients the fruits receive, the larger and healthier they will be.

Reviews gardeners

The Siberian giant is not difficult to care for. Following the rules of agricultural cultivation, you can collect a large number of large sweet fruits.Almost all gardeners note the variety has more advantages than disadvantages.

  1. Olga Artemovna, 35 years old: I really like to grow huge varieties of tomatoes. The Siberian giant variety attracted my attention with excellent taste, good keeping quality and unpretentiousness in care. Tomatoes are well adapted to cold nights, are not afraid of sharp jumps in temperature. This year I prepared a lot of adjika and ketchup. The taste of the products was excellent.
  2. Kirill Timofeevich, 51 years old: I have been growing this variety for about 5 years now. Everyone loves large tomatoes in my large family. Tomatoes are suitable for harvesting and eating fresh. Bushes require additional care. They need to be tied with ropes to the support sticks, and pick off excess leaves and branches. Such events help to achieve a richer harvest. The wife this year prepared a large number of various preparations. I recommend growing this variety.

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