Tomato Sinichka - description and characteristics of the variety

Not everyone has suburban household plots, and not everyone can boast of having a summer residence. Yes, and those who have it, can not always fully process the site - age and disease deprive this opportunity. But experienced gardeners do not want to sit at home idle, and they find something to do - grow flowers on the windowsills and windows that delight the soul and eye. But you can also cultivate edible plants - for example, small tomatoes that can be cultivated in an ordinary apartment - on windows, balconies and loggias. One of these plants is tomatoes. It's about a variety called Titmouse.

Tomato Titmouse

Grade characteristics

Tomatoes called Sinichka are suitable for both growing in the house and in a suburban area. In the first case, you can grow tomatoes all year round.

Description of the bush:

  1. Refers to early ripening, ripening of berries occurs after 85-95 days.
  2. Type determinate.
  3. The brushes on the plant are simple.
  4. Short, no more than 40-43 centimeters.
  5. The fruits are small.
  6. Inflorescences are simple.
  7. The leaves are medium.
  8. Each brush contains from 10 to 15 fruits.
  9. The variety is high-yielding, each square meter gives 2 kilograms of 800 grams of tomatoes.
  10. Good immunity and resistant to most diseases.
  11. It feels great in areas inaccessible to sunlight.
  12. Berries are tied in most inflorescences.
  13. It is stored for a long time and well tolerates the long road - it does not break and does not crack.

Such bushes will decorate any house, and if berries hang on them, they will serve as an excellent decorative decoration of the apartment.

Description of tomatoes:

  1. The shape resembles a cherry.
  2. The berries are small, weighing no more than 20 grams each.
  3. The taste is sweet, honey.
  4. Ripe tomatoes have a bright yellow color.
  5. Around the stalk there is a dark speck.
  6. The skin is thin, smooth, notch, dense.
  7. Ripe berries do not crack and smell strongly of tomatoes.

Recommendations that help to grow Titmouse

Typically, these tomatoes are intended for growing at home. To cultivate this variety in the house, you need to follow some rules:

Growing tomatoes Titmouse

  1. Correctly choose the capacity where the culture will be planted. Boxes having a height of 12 to 16 centimeters are best suited.
  2. To better get air to the root system, the bottom of the box should be laid out with pieces of old slate or tile, it is useful to add a little sand.
  3. In order for the plant to develop in a normal way, it is best to buy specialized soil intended for tomatoes.
  4. Seeds are pre-treated with potassium permanganate - this will protect against fungus and help to better ascend.
  5. It is necessary to observe a certain temperature regime. - in the afternoon from 20 degrees of heat, at night - from 14-15 degrees.
  6. It is necessary to create an influx of fresh air by regularly ventilating the room.
  7. The variety needs a lot of light, therefore, in the dark after sunset, tomatoes need to be highlighted with fluorescent lights or other sources.
  8. The first sprouts after planting seeds appear about a week later, they are abundantly watered with warm water.
  9. After the formation of one or two sheets, the plant must be dived, that is, planted in separate boxes.
  10. Forming bushes and tying them up is not worth it, because the bushes are small and there is no danger of breaking under a large layer of the crop.
  11. The plant requires herding and removal of old leaves from the branches and stalks.
  12. Water the plant twice or thrice a week.After each watering, the soil must be loosened, otherwise the earth will harden with a crust, and air will not flow to the roots.

Landing on the site

When there is a desire to plant tomatoes in a summer cottage, tomatoes must first be hardened. To do this, take them out for 10-15 days to the balcony, each time increasing the time by several minutes.

It is better to plant on the soil purchased in the store for tomatoes. It is necessary to make fertilizers containing nitrogen in it. And when the first ovary appears, feed with mineral fertilizing.

Spud, water and loosen the earth in accordance with generally accepted methods.

Diseases and Pests

Tomatoes planted in the country can be attacked by numerous pests. To combat them, it is enough to spray the bushes with protective preparations. The Sinichka variety has high immunity, but it is still better to treat it with appropriate preparations to avoid infection with common diseases for solanaceous crops.


Valentina Sinyavina, 30 years old: I grow a Sinichka tomato on a window in the winter, when I sit at home - I delight myself and seven fresh berries. They are small, but very tasty and sweet, and beautiful bushes adorn the room.

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